And anyone watching Brian would say, "But you look so healthy. And you seem so energetic."
It's so hard to explain to people, yes, I am having fun now, but I will be in bed feeling like I have a hangover all day tomorrow. It's just such a dichotomy. And we don't want to go around explaining the details of our illness. I just feel frustrated that we can't get people to understand. I went to the grocery store on Wed. I felt pretty good. I was perky. But last weekend, for three days, I was stuck on the recliner as though I had the flu, hour after hour in a body that was dragging.
No wonder no one believes us, even the doctors.
I still say we need to stage a demonstration in front of some of these doctors' offices that we know don't believe us. We need to take loungers and place them on the sidewalk. We need to be in our PJs and have signs on the back of our loungers saying, "We're tired of being ignored." "We're tired of doctors not believing us."
You get the idea.
After spending two days doing that, I bet a lot of us would actually look sick. News media will come take photos of us curled up with a blanket, our hair not done, no makeup, etc.
Thanks Dr. Donnica. I wondered, were you invited by this site to do this, or did you contact them?
(If they contacted you, then I would be very pleased.) Also, about how influential is this site? How many doctors use it? Would my doc on main street likely see it?