I only read the abstracts, but neither seems to be assessing mainstream testing. Sorry if I missed something but could you narrow things down a bit for me by quoting something that you think contradicts something I've claimed.
"What evidence do you have that any of that leads to a more accurate or reliable test?"
Ok I will answer your question, but not in the narrow paradigm that you have laid out. With the goal to be getting all the information you can about the patient as possible..The cdc standard is just a bench mark that is unrealistic. They raised the bench mark at one point because they thought to many people were testing positive for lyme.That's like going to your doctor and they say we've got great news ,your hiv test came up negative...you only showed a little bit. A little bit is significant. Many of the Western Blot Tests dot even show the bands. They just say pos or neg. Next: To require or suggest that in order to be a traditional medical doctor you need to do the Elisa fist and only if that comes up pos ,then you would follow up with a Western Blot. That is insane. Igenex has two more bands than other Western Blots, and many experts scientists and pathologists like Alan Mac Donald say The whole system needs to change...But the clinician needs to get all the info they can. Igenex tests for all the co infections and they have specialized tests like the Fish for Babesia. Advanced laboratory services does a great test by culturing your blood but that only will work if the bacteria is free floating in that sample. They got a bad rap from the cdc saying they were cross contaminating because they were finding Borrelia species not believed to be in the US. they were wrong .After culturing ticks from that region they found that species in tick guts. No apologies were made by the cdc.When you go to Igenex they recommend getting a multitude of tests and if you only have 1 two stared band come up pos ,that would be significant especially when you also have a co infection and you are chronically ill with multi systemic symptoms.That is how a doctor trained in Lyme disease begins to make a diagnosis. If you are chronically ill and keep running into the Traditional Brick wall. than Igenex can test for
(from Website)--------------------------------------------
IgG/IgM and IgM Antibody Serology
IgG Western Blot and IgM Western Blot
Lyme Dot Blot Assay (LDA)
Reverse Western Blot (Confirmation test for LDA)
Multiplex PCR for urine, whole blood, serum, CSF, miscellaneous (ex: Skin biopsy, breast milk, semen)
In addition to Lyme Disease, a co-infection may be suspected for Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, or Bartonella. We offer tests for these other tick-borne illnesses. The tests are IFA (fluorescent antibody) or direct tests by PCR. In the case of Babesia, FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) is also available. The FISH test detects the ribosomal RNA of the Babesia parasites directly on air-dried blood smears. This test is highly specific for Babesia, unlike the standard test, the geimsa stain smear, which cannot differentiate between malaria parasites and Babesia.
Babesiosis Tests
B. Microti and/or WA-1 IgG/IgM AntibodyBabesia and/or Babesia WA-1 PCRBabesia FISH (RNA)
Ehrlichiosis Tests
Human Granulocytic Ehrlichia IgG/IgM AntibodyHuman Granulocytic Ehrlichia PCRHuman Monocytic Ehrlichia IgG/IgM AntibodyHuman Monocytic Ehrlichia PCR
Bartonella Tests
Bartonella henselae PCR with Whole Blood
Thats how I got diagnosed, after years of suffering and handfuls of Doctors in many specialties.So its not so simple as who has the best Elisa ,or Western Blot.,and it becomes redundant to answer these one liner Questions
Pathologist Alan Mac Donalld Talks a lot about this in his free videos.
Pathology of lyme disease part 1-2 and 3