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New Doctor Help - B12, Thyroid, Research & Referance Ranges


Senior Member
Has anyone got any research for me to take to my new doctor. Something an ordinary NHS doctor will accept as good research, some thing that's enough to change his mind. I need to try b12 injections, and have thorough thyroid tests based on decent reference ranges. Anything from Myhill & Co might as well be toilet paper to them (I've tried this route before and they won't accept it even after I paid for Myhill's tests).

Any other blood work or tests that NHS doctors will accept as evidence based medicine?

What's the best way to avoid being pigeon holed as having biopsychosocial problems, faulty illness beliefs, or merely muscle deconditioning combined with "getting ideas" from the Internet?

Oh and you only get about 10 minutes with a GP.

PS: Have already tried & failed with oral/sublingual b12 with & without L-methylfolate, & a myriad of other supplements. Would appreciate help with mast cell tests as well.