Please someone go look at the CDC/CFS page and see if they did not change it back to a less nasty/crazy page. Looks like a change to me. Gone is that beyond psychotic study by Reeves on our personality disorders. Can't find it. No change date at the bottom that I could see either.
As an aside: take not that the CDC is citing that there is 4,800 biomedical journals on PubMed. Use this number for the studies done on CFIDS.
Did the CDC change the nutjob website for CFS back to something less nasty/crazy?????????
CDC - Publications - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Screen clipping taken: 8/10/2010, 8:35 PM
CDC Home
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chronic Fatigue
General Information
Information for
Healthcare Professionals
News & Highlights
Surveillance studies (9)
Case Definition (9)
Studies of Causes (41)
Pathophysiology (19)
clinical Picture (18)
Medical Management (3)
Economic Impact (2)
Molecular Epidemiology
cluster Investigations
Education and
Evaluation (4)
CFS Toolkit
Meetings & workshops
CFs Programs
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
This is a compilation of publications by the CDC CFs Public Health Research Program from 1993 to
present. This section indudes only publications involving the CDC CFs research group. The National
Institutes of Health Trans-NIH Working Group for Research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
contains a link to the PubMed database that includes peer reviewed articles on CFS in more than
4,800 biomedical joumnals over the last dxcade.
The objective of CDcs cFs research program is to devise control and prevention strategies for CFs
The research strategy is based on longitudinal surveillance of defined populations. This avoids the
bias of studies based on patients referred from physicians practices or studies that solicit
volunteers. We use random digit dialing to evaluate households for unweilness, detailed
telephone interviews of well and unwell members of surveyed household, and then detailed one
day dinical evaluations of those identified as possibly having CFs and randomly seledted well
individuals. The surveyed populations are followed over time (cohort design) to identify incident
cases and evaluate the dinical course of the illness. Finally, people identified with CFs and various
controls are invited to participate in multi-day in-patient studies. In addition to questionnaire data,
we measure clinical parameters (e.g., polysomnography, orthostatic instability), evaluate cognitive
function, measure immune status (e.g., cytokines), evaluate neuroendocrine status (e.g., diurnal
cortisol profiles), determine allostatic load, evaluate gene expression profiles, measure genetic
polymorphisms, and measure the proteome (e.g., sELDI-TOF). Clearly CFs represents a complex
illness that involves multiple body systems, includes alterations in homeostatic systems, and
results from the combined adtion of many genes, environmental factors and risk-conferming
behavior. The research group is multidisciplinary and indudes physicians, epidemiologists,
behavioral scientists, statisticians, microbiologists, and mathematicians.
Although somewhat artificial, this compilation of publications from the CDC CFs Public Health
Researdh Group is divided into those dealing primanly with surveillance, defining CFS, studies of
causality and risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical aspects, medical management, economic impact
and molecular epidemiology. Each artide is referenced, includes a summary, and a copy of the
As an aside: take not that the CDC is citing that there is 4,800 biomedical journals on PubMed. Use this number for the studies done on CFIDS.
Did the CDC change the nutjob website for CFS back to something less nasty/crazy?????????
CDC - Publications - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Screen clipping taken: 8/10/2010, 8:35 PM
CDC Home
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chronic Fatigue
General Information
Information for
Healthcare Professionals
News & Highlights
Surveillance studies (9)
Case Definition (9)
Studies of Causes (41)
Pathophysiology (19)
clinical Picture (18)
Medical Management (3)
Economic Impact (2)
Molecular Epidemiology
cluster Investigations
Education and
Evaluation (4)
CFS Toolkit
Meetings & workshops
CFs Programs
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
This is a compilation of publications by the CDC CFs Public Health Research Program from 1993 to
present. This section indudes only publications involving the CDC CFs research group. The National
Institutes of Health Trans-NIH Working Group for Research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
contains a link to the PubMed database that includes peer reviewed articles on CFS in more than
4,800 biomedical joumnals over the last dxcade.
The objective of CDcs cFs research program is to devise control and prevention strategies for CFs
The research strategy is based on longitudinal surveillance of defined populations. This avoids the
bias of studies based on patients referred from physicians practices or studies that solicit
volunteers. We use random digit dialing to evaluate households for unweilness, detailed
telephone interviews of well and unwell members of surveyed household, and then detailed one
day dinical evaluations of those identified as possibly having CFs and randomly seledted well
individuals. The surveyed populations are followed over time (cohort design) to identify incident
cases and evaluate the dinical course of the illness. Finally, people identified with CFs and various
controls are invited to participate in multi-day in-patient studies. In addition to questionnaire data,
we measure clinical parameters (e.g., polysomnography, orthostatic instability), evaluate cognitive
function, measure immune status (e.g., cytokines), evaluate neuroendocrine status (e.g., diurnal
cortisol profiles), determine allostatic load, evaluate gene expression profiles, measure genetic
polymorphisms, and measure the proteome (e.g., sELDI-TOF). Clearly CFs represents a complex
illness that involves multiple body systems, includes alterations in homeostatic systems, and
results from the combined adtion of many genes, environmental factors and risk-conferming
behavior. The research group is multidisciplinary and indudes physicians, epidemiologists,
behavioral scientists, statisticians, microbiologists, and mathematicians.
Although somewhat artificial, this compilation of publications from the CDC CFs Public Health
Researdh Group is divided into those dealing primanly with surveillance, defining CFS, studies of
causality and risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical aspects, medical management, economic impact
and molecular epidemiology. Each artide is referenced, includes a summary, and a copy of the