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New Blog from Cort about Stanford/OMF Community Symposium and how Ron Davis approaches science


Senior Member
The other side.

Scroll down to Livestream registratiom
I have registered, days ago, what I don't know is how to view when the stream goes live - it being a bit late to figure it out then, which is why I, and at least one other, have asked "how to we view it?"......

....and all the reply we get is this is how you register!!

Most things send an email, both to acknowledge registration and giving instructions - no email was received and yes, I have checked my spam.junk folder.

Again, I have registered, but I would like to know how actually watch it on the 12th at 5PM UK time (when it starts) rather than having to try and figure it out after it starts.

@Ben Howell
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I have registered, days ago, what I don't know is how to view when the stream goes live - it being a bit late to figure it out then, which is why I, and at least one other, have asked "how to we view it?"......

....and all the reply we get is this is how you register!!

Most things send an email, both to acknowledge registration and giving

instructions - no email was received and yes, I have checked my spam.junk folder.

I have the same question.
I've registered but have no brain fogged idea of what to do when the time comes.
Be very pleased to know in advance to stop the stress and fear of missing it.
Thanks in advance,

@Ben Howell please can you help?

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
I have registered, days ago, what I don't know is how to view when the stream goes live - it being a bit late to figure it out then, which is why I, and at least one other, have asked "how to we view it?"......

....and all the reply we get is this is how you register!!

Most things send an email, both to acknowledge registration and giving instructions - no email was received and yes, I have checked my spam.junk folder.

Is it really such a hard question to understand? again, I have registered, but I would like to know how actually watch it on the 12th at 5PM UK time (when it starts) rather than having to try and figure it out after it starts.

@Ben Howell


It's not hard to answer, and I am in the middle of finding out. Many people are working very hard on this and because of the time difference UK-US I cannot get an answer immediately.

Please have patience and I will get back to you.



Senior Member
Given the time difference, it will not be starting UK time until 5 pm, I think, which is too late in the day for me to concentrate on anything.

Am I right that the talks will later be put on YouTube? Or available to buy as a DVD?

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Given the time difference, it will not be starting UK time until 5 pm, I think, which is too late in the day for me to concentrate on anything.

Am I right that the talks will later be put on YouTube? Or available to buy as a DVD?

Hi @trishrhymes

It Is scheduled to be put on Youtube at a later date, and also available to buy as a DVD. :)


Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi all,

To those wondering/have asked, the Symposium livestream will be viewable on OMF's webpage at the time of the event-9am August 12th (5pm UK time).

So just head to the website. There will be an announcement next week regarding this anyway.

Hope that clears any confusion up.
