I just launched a blog and thought y'all might be interested: www.chronicdrift.com.
It's about muddling through life with ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses - things that make me happy when I'm crashing, words of wisdom from unlikely sources, imaginary adventures, and some serious musings.
I'm a longtime lurker on these forums but don't post very much. Since my symptoms seem to keep getting worse, I've been getting increasingly isolated. My family gives me lots of support, but they don't really understand what it's like to go through this. I've gotten so much great information and validation from this forum over the years. Chronic Drift is partly a way of getting myself to engage more with the patient community that's out there, to contribute my thoughts and maybe it will make an impact on someone else, like I have been so touched by all the posters, patients, and bloggers out there who have shared their stories.
It's about muddling through life with ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses - things that make me happy when I'm crashing, words of wisdom from unlikely sources, imaginary adventures, and some serious musings.
I'm a longtime lurker on these forums but don't post very much. Since my symptoms seem to keep getting worse, I've been getting increasingly isolated. My family gives me lots of support, but they don't really understand what it's like to go through this. I've gotten so much great information and validation from this forum over the years. Chronic Drift is partly a way of getting myself to engage more with the patient community that's out there, to contribute my thoughts and maybe it will make an impact on someone else, like I have been so touched by all the posters, patients, and bloggers out there who have shared their stories.