New Baby was born Monday to John66 and wife


Senior Member


iherb code TAK122
Beautiful, got to be a girl or a very handsome boy:)
A precious gift congratulations.


Senior Member
Thanks for wall of the well Wishes. Andrew John was born last Monday and was 5 lbs and about a 3 weeks early. we are home as of last night. Very upset that he is not with us, but he is getting excellent care. He has to spend the next two weeks in the nicu, to gain strength, learn to eat and maintain temp. My wife had general anasthesia, which can effect the baby ie coming out floppy and struggling to respirate. Low tone in a baby means he gets wiped out easy, doesnt cry much and his suction and eating are difficult bc he is young. If any of you out there have had experience with this situation, please let me know. We had all sorts of advanced chromosome testing in the beginning to make sure all looked ok, and none of my issues would hopefully not pass on. I pray that my boy gets healthy soon. The day and day after, we had specialist coming out of the woodwork, pediatric endo, nuero, and urologist on top of the neanatal. Having not slept for a few days, it felt like a foreign language. When testes dont descent in anboy, they have to do genetic testing to make sure he is all boy, which they did and confirmed. Test for presence of female internal organs etc, blood tests for hormone cascade. Cortisol was ok and that can be life threatening. He is gatting stronger every day, but this is so difficult being home without him. Leaving to go hack soon. Thanks for the support. J


Senior Member
Here's hoping baby Andrew will be home with you very soon. He's adorable, but then you know that already!