Thanks Lisa.
I have never been so aware as I have been these past few weeks, that the theories don't do anything for us. Not for me, at least, and sounds like, not for you either.
At best, they bring up new ideas of things to try from time to time. But at worst, they scare the pants off me, and leave me confused and exhausted from my thoughts going 'round and 'round and leaving me no further ahead.
At the end of it I still end up doing what I've been doing -- taking the things I've learned help me and trying to avoid the things that don't.
I'm glad theories help research. But till that research has been cooked and set and is ready to eat ... well, I'd just as soon wait till things get to that stage before I try to digest any more of it.
Thanks for that.
I think your mention of cooking, flavoured my reply to Lisa.
And ... ahem, yes, I am a pretty fair cook, if I do say so myself. (And I do say so myself ... I don't know if I can get anyone else to say it for me.
