• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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New $1 million donation for OMF's ME/CFS research!

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,

Even more good news-what a week!


New $1 million donation for ME/CFS research!

Dear all,

OMF received a $1 million anonymous pledge to escalate Ron Davis’s systems biology approach with Robert Phair, PhD, at the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at Stanford University.

This will expand the search for and testing of their “metabolic trap” hypothesis, and will enable Dr. Davis to hire an additional scientist with experience in complex metabolic analysis to accelerate this research. Watch for research updates to keep informed about their progress on this exciting project.

For more information on this project click here.

With hope for all,


Linda Tannenbaum
