Neurotransmitter Help

Hello all -

I am new here. thanks for the add. A little background........I have DXs of CFS, Fibro, Adrenal & thyroid dysfunction. I currently take T3 for thyroid & Hydrocortisone for adrenals.

Recently when I did my cortisol adrenal profile, I added on a Neurotransmitter profile as I have been having real bad anxiety, sleep problems & panic. My results are funky & I have no idea what to do about them. I was hoping someone here can shed some light on my situation.

Many thanks in advance

Serotonin - 130.45 (high) Ref Range 74.13-111.19
GABA 2.77 (low range of normal) Ref Range 2.67-6.74
Dopamine 369.19 (high high) Ref Range 139.1-208.07
Norepinephrine 11.61 (low low) Ref Range 28.07-42.11
Epinephrine 9.03 (high high) Ref Range 3.36-5.05
Glutamate 20.20 (low low) Ref Range 60.69 - 91.02

Ne ratio (not sure what this is) (low) 1.28 Ref <10.0

Any thought are greatly appreciated!

HotMess ;0)


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@BigHotMess - welcome to the board! Sorry, I can't really comment on your neurotransmitters, but they are out whack as you noted. Hopefully someone else more knowledgeable will weigh in.

I was wondering if the hydrocortisone is contributing to your anxiety, etc. - here is a link showing common side effects, and it's possible that if you're taking too much hydrocortisone, it's causing some of your symptoms:

Did your symptoms start after your started the cortisone?
Hello Mary -

Thanks for your reply. Actually the anxiety started when I originally weened off of HC. Then I crashed bad & had to go back on it & the anxiety remained. Now it is off the charts. I have been taking xanax for it off & on. It is the only thing I can take, but I do not want to be on it forever that is for sure. Basically brain fog seems to trigger it as well as crowds, noisy places, fluorescent lights & driving! My brain gets so over stimulated I feel like it will short circuit.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hello Mary -

Thanks for your reply. Actually the anxiety started when I originally weened off of HC. Then I crashed bad & had to go back on it & the anxiety remained. Now it is off the charts. I have been taking xanax for it off & on. It is the only thing I can take, but I do not want to be on it forever that is for sure. Basically brain fog seems to trigger it as well as crowds, noisy places, fluorescent lights & driving! My brain gets so over stimulated I feel like it will short circuit.

Sorry to hear that! Hmmmm -- you might check out this post:
The person who posted it, Hip, is very knowledgeable. He first talks about 3 supplements which helped him a lot with anxiety and then below that lists several other supplements that help, so I would take a look at this thread.

Do you take any B vitamins? I've found that niacin is calming - it stimulates GABA receptors so it might be helpful too.

One more thing - when you reply to someone, if you type their name like this @Mary (with the @ sign in front of the user name), it will generate an alert to that person that you have responded to something they said. Or, you can hit "reply" on the post and that will generate an alert as well. Take care --