
Hi all,

I have a question regarding Neurontin.

I have severe nerve pain in the head and my doctor gave it to me (9 pills * 300mg daily). Its the second week and I feel better.

Has anybody cured his/her neuropathy with Neurontin or it just eases symptoms?

Thanks so much for your reply :)


Senior Member
thanks @Wonko , I am afraid of symptoms coming back. My pharmacist said it just eases symptoms. Lets see.
When i first took Neurontin (gabapeniten) I was seeing a doctor who was familiar with Dr Goldstein's shotgun approach to trying meds/supplements and it was one of the ones he would try on his CFS patients. I didn't have neuropathy though. I thought I had hit the jackpot with this med in terms of recovery and clear focused thoughts and increased motivation & sociability, however after 5 days it wore off. I started to cycle it but found I really had to have a week off at minimum between cycles and then the benefits would last only 2 days maximum, My neurotransmitters had become sensitized to it...such a shame. I continued to go off and on it over the years and I found increasing the dose did not bring back the benefits. I think I went to your dose as the maximum, though epileptics can take over 3500mg/day. I then tried its supposedly newer better version - Lyrica but it wasn't the same for me, though it was great for sleep (but not cost effective). You can always use that as a alternative med down the line but its not a cure, just blocks nerve/pain transmissions


Senior Member
Im one of the lucky folks who can take neurontin. For years I had awful sciatica from compressed nerves in spine, and a friend who was born with spina biffida told me about it. My Drs never seem to have ideas how to help anything with me but usually go along with what I suggest to them. Neurontin got me part of my life back, and Ive been taking it about 13 yrs now. Started at 100 mg twice a day and now up to 300 3 times a day. If I forget to take it, I am reminded by the pain in my hip and leg. The Drs keep encouraging me to take a lot more but I'm worried about becoming desensitized to it. It probably also helps with my neuropathy pain in my hands and feet which continues to get worse but I'd hate to think what it would be like without the neurontin. Doesn't help with lots of other fibro of ME pains but after 35 yrs of being sick, and having weird reactions to the drugs that are suppose to help fibro and ME, im just glad to have symptoms lightened.

It has also helps keep my nerves more calm in general..otherwise I'd be on Valium all the time. And I've had several bouts with shingles, that have always been minor compared to everyone else I know, so I have to think it helps that I always have neurontin in my system.
oh I see. Well my neurosurgeon said to me it is only symptom relieving and not a cure, however he said it also "builts up" a bit the nerves i.e. somehow helps them heal. So I am afraid that if I stop my nerve pain (unfortunately on top of my head) will come back and knock me down.

The worse is that as far as I understand, nerve pain is very difficult to heal. It does not work like a wound. Anybody that had his nerve pain healed alone without the help of meds?

I am literally looking for a miracle lying in my bed. And I seriously think of Botox, maybe it will work as a nerve block.
Ηi all,

I have quite good news. My doctors gave me Cymbalta + Neurontin and pain has got down 90 %. I only feel some pressure in my head. I am still exhausted though.

Cymbalta works really good. I had only one sleepless night the first day due to bad stomach.

I continue my battle with these meds. Seems there will be months I will take them. I am happy pain is not present.

In Greece we say ''hope always dies last''.
Hi @Vickytoria1988

I found this interesting as i look for new meds to try.

My i ask you if you have any more symtoms from the head?
The reason i ask is that I am kind of in a desperate situation were my already severe symtoms from the brain (and down the neck and spine) is getting worse. I'm very severe in my ME. Do you recon brain pressure or/and (the sensation of) inflammation?
Ηι @Andrea. I am so sorry for responding late. I had nerve pressure and pain all over my haid (but not spine and neck) and I did 8 months of acupuncture (it was exhausting). In the end the only pain remaining is on top of my head, just in the middle where my hair starts. I then assumed it is a kind of topical nerve damage that has not passed since a year. I am under the supervision of 3 doctors and I continue to take Neurontin, Cymbalta and on top of those, Clonotrin. The pain was so exhausting that I could not sleep or stand or talk so I found a neurologist who injected Botox on this part. I have to admit that Botox was a shock for my body BUT it works. Now I dont experience pain on the top of my head but only pressure. I have to say that I dont have any pressure inside my brain any more thanks to acupuncture.

I will continue Botox every threee months with the hope that pain will end. I have become partially handicapped while I look normal. I am not able to read any more any books or listen to music for long. Nights out are not my thing, I think that I hang out into hospitals this year. I hope for the best for u and all of us.

@Andrea, try homeopathy, try acupuncture or other mainstream meds under the supervision of good doctors. Do all the necessary MRIs. Osteopathy? Kine with those lasers that warm the spine and heal?