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Neuro-Borreliosis, EMF and earthing

I am sensitive to EMF probably because of damaged myelin of the brain-nerves, which often is the case in lyme in cns. I started experimenting with earthing, especially with earthing mattress, because more and more doctors like f.i. Klinghardt, the experienced lyme-doctor recommend it. It workes as a very strong anti-inflammatory. And EMF is said to make the bacteria active, emmitting more neurotoxins.

I have very strong reactions in the brain when lying on my matress, even if it is only for 30min. a day. And on those days also I have stronger reactions than usual, when I am in an EMF later, for instance when I am sitting at my laptop (no wi-fi). I am wodering if that has got something to do with changing voltage in the body (or nerves?) that stresses or is unusual for the Body. (Or maybe there is something really wrong with my matress, because the grounding of my house has dirty electricity?)
So I wanted to ask whether others with ( lyme and) EMF-sensitivity have similar experience?

Greetings to all, Prema


Senior Member
I have Lyme but never had EMF sensitivity.
However, the first few weeks on my earthing sheet I couldn't sleep well at all, I felt really weird. Then it seemed to gradually settle down. I also used an earthing mat for my laptop. They certainly had an effect on me but I'm not entirely sure it was positive.

I suggest you try this experiment if you can.
Stop for a few days using your earthing devices and instead try earthing the natural way, that is by lying on grass or on a beach for at least half hour or an hour a day.
Before you ground yourself (on grass, beach...) however check your resting pulse rate. Then check it again a few minutes after grounding. Your heart rate should be lower. Try earthing this way for a few days and see what it does to your overall health.

After a few days, go back to your earthing devices, do the same and compare results.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
@ Prema
I am diagnosed chronic Lyme and have stong EMF hypersensibility.

Grounding naturally helps me a lot (bare feet on earth) and I practise it daily in my yard, as far as I can from the house. .
Using Setzerizers (filters for electrosmog) has been a total failure and drove me "crazy" (extreme nervousness, hyperacusia sky high , tachycardia, head pain...)..Using grounding pad (plug) brought no success.

I was told it is frequent that the electric system in flat/house is far from optimal and plugging-in some anti EMF products may just lead to greater problems. In this case, it is best to turn-off the electricity at night and adopting an avoiding attitude as often as possible. Maybe, having your electricity system checked by someone knowledgeable could help...


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I've Neuro-Borreliosis and EMF sensitivity, and I've also tried earthing. But my thoughts and experiences concerning these issues differ.

My EMF problems are strongly associated with certain toxins. Rifaximin has greatly reduced it in the past, as has mold avoidance. Extreme avoidance removed EMF sensitivity completely. I've read from a couple sources that the majority of Lymies actually have the Shoemaker genes. So I believe Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome perpetuated by mycotoxins and LPS can drive EMF sensitivity.

I suspected peripheral demyelination a couple years back, as my arms and legs are always twitching and the nerves themselves have grown far more sensitive to the touch over the last few years. However completing the ECT testing they told me I didn't have demyelination.

Earthing had an almost narcotic effect on me. It made me sluggish and not want to get out of bed. Then when I wasn't hooked up I'd become very depressed. I understand why it affected me this way but it's too complicated to get into here. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to sleep connected, because there is something powerful there that I can't imagine should be harmful.
What does LPS stand for? I don't remember what gene it was in my 23andMe lab-results, but in my case it seems I have not got the "Shoemaker-genes" which let You have reactions to mold-toxins. I also thought the EMF-sensitivity has something to do with demyelination. what is ECT-testing exactly?

I started lying on grass for 15-20min. every day by now. It seems I also have reactions, and working in the EMF of my laptop-computer is worse if I have done grounding before. I thought lyme-bacteria do emit more toxins, because they feel threatened in EMF. But why would they feel more threatened just because one does earthing before?

I got the feeling this issue of getting the body-voltage down for sleeping is as important as not being in an EMF at night, because the detoxing is happening during sleep. Recent scientific studies have shown that the brain shrinks in sleep, so that there is more space for the connecting tissue to get toxins out to the lymph.
www.survivingmold.com - this is about Shoemakers concept.
It seems I was wrong thinking it can be found in the 23andMe lab-results. Very interesting- thanks Dufresne for bringing up this issue! I've got mold in the bathroom as well, not just the positive lyme test.
It's the HLA-genes that are tested by some commercial labs in the US.
So far as I know it's not done in Europe. Since it's blood tests, I myself cannot do anything about that.
Does that mean I can only try out cholestyramin for some weeks, which is Shoumakers remedy? So far I only took chlorella, DMSA, or zeolith to bind the toxins.
(I had even ordered Shoemakers book from the US, but the index is a bit confusing, and i found it hard to read so much in english).
. I've read from a couple sources that the majority of Lymies actually have the Shoemaker genes. So I believe Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome perpetuated by mycotoxins and LPS can drive EMF sensitivity.
Hi Dufresne, I thought the illness of lyme would be defined by bacteria that are active,can reproduce, because the IS cannot handle it (Th2 problem for instance). Your comment about most lymies having the Shoemaker genes sounds like, if You have lyme-bugs, but no defect HLA-genes, so the IS does not react to the lyme-toxins, You don't have lyme - disease, though You have the bacteria in the body!?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Hi Dufresne, I thought the illness of lyme would be defined by bacteria that are active,can reproduce, because the IS cannot handle it (Th2 problem for instance). Your comment about most lymies having the Shoemaker genes sounds like, if You have lyme-bugs, but no defect HLA-genes, so the IS does not react to the lyme-toxins, You don't have lyme - disease, though You have the bacteria in the body!?

The system is weakened by ongoing inflammation when one can't adequately clear boirrelia and/or mold toxins. The inflammation causes an energy problem, or redox shift, that compromises cellular immunity. This is the main reason we can't fend off infections. That's what I believe.

The HLA DR test is very expensive. Start with the VCS test. It supposedly diagnoses 92% of those with biotoxin illness.

Hi Dufresne,
what does a positive rusult on that vcstest say - that You have neuro-Toxins in the brain, or that you cannot eliminate those neuro-toxins?. I assume it just tells you, that you have got neurotoxins in your brain. But i know that anyhow. Even if i take herbal antibiotics giving a herx, does not mean that you get your biotoxins out of the brain (your body) so easily or quickly even if your hla-genes are not defect, whereas i understand the HLA-test tells you whether you are able to detoxify those biotoxins in the guts(?) You write "the VCS test diagnoses 92% ot those with biotoxin illness". I am afraid "biotoxin illness" does not say whether you can detox that stuff (?)

If the VCS test is positive, should one just try cholestyramin and see if the situation gets better?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Hi Dufresne,
what does a positive rusult on that vcstest say - that You have neuro-Toxins in the brain, or that you cannot eliminate those neuro-toxins?. I assume it just tells you, that you have got neurotoxins in your brain. But i know that anyhow. Even if i take herbal antibiotics giving a herx, does not mean that you get your biotoxins out of the brain (your body) so easily or quickly even if your hla-genes are not defect, whereas i understand the HLA-test tells you whether you are able to detoxify those biotoxins in the guts(?) You write "the VCS test diagnoses 92% ot those with biotoxin illness". I am afraid "biotoxin illness" does not say whether you can detox that stuff (?)

If the VCS test is positive, should one just try cholestyramin and see if the situation gets better?

Yes, to your final question, but perhaps more importantly one has to be in a clean environment. And you certainly can detoxify this stuff, it just takes time, the right strategy, and you've to stop accumulating them faster than you can get rid of them. This means killing your bugs and/or getting into a healthy dwelling.

These toxins could be borrelia toxins but it's more than likely, if you have this problem, that mycotoxins are involved as well.