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Nemorexant new sleep drug

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
How interesting. I take Belsomra every other day. I found out early that taking it every day reduced the effectiveness. I really like it.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I'm so used to things NOT working for me. I wonder if part of my success with Belsomra is that I just use it every other day. Some people said Belsomra worked for them at first, but then stopped. That was my experience until I started alternating it with Trazodone.


Senior Member
I'm so used to things NOT working for me. I wonder if part of my success with Belsomra is that I just use it every other day. Some people said Belsomra worked for them at first, but then stopped. That was my experience until I started alternating it with Trazodone.

Hi, Thanks for the report. What dosage do you take?
