Thanks everyone for the help. Since my last posting I've gained some additional clarity on my condition. I have continued to experience some tentative improvements since taking the supplement formula even at half of the recommended daily dosage, but what has really helped the situation is a new medication intended mostly for fibromyalgia. It's called savella. Apparently it works by affecting the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters, but it's not clear at all to me how my neurotransmitters could have been a problem, unless it is a synaptic issue.
@Violeta Did you have any more information about what you mentioned in your post? It may take another few weeks or even months to fully confirm how well it works though. I did have reasons to believe that immune dysfunction may have played a role, because my immune system appeared to overreact badly to the COVID vaccine (terrible chills, cramps, fatigue, hot flashes, paresthesia, deep sleep), but it's hard to tell which way causality goes.
Sorry, I didn't mean it was a language barrier, I just mean that the neurological problems are very difficult to describe. Sometimes it feels a little like neuropathy, with burning, tingling, and a weird combination of numbness and over-sensitivity, but other times I have strange sensations that I can’t quite describe. It feels like some kind of pressure on my nerves. Sometimes it even feels like parts of my body are caught in a vice, like something is tightening around my nerves. My muscles also feel really wonky, like they've been stretched out way too far. But when it's improving, I also feel this "soothing" sensation in my nerves and all my symptoms start to get better. I haven't found a very good explanation for any of this.
I can't find any evidence one was performed, but I could ask about it in the future.