Need Help interpreting new test results: EBV, Lyme, EKG


It's funny that you mention HIV because Dr. Chia asked me the same thing and told me my cd4/cd8 ratio is commonly seen in HIV patients and a lot of his patients are seen with this finding. But I have not tested for it yet. I should get that ruled out just in case.


I am also currently seeing another cfs/fibro specialist here in Sacramento and just got a bunch of tests back.

Hydrogen/Methane breath test tested negative (I really thought SIBO would be the cause of all my GI issues, but it might be due to gastritis and the SIBO results look somewhat borderline to me.)

HHV6 ab IGG 1:160 H <1:20

C.Pnemoniae IGG 1:256 H <1:64

EBV EA-D IGG 1.47 H >1.10 Positive
EBV EBNA AB IGG >5.00 H >1.10 Positive
EBV VCA AB IGG >5.00 H < 0.90 Negative

(the EA d EBV titer indicates a reactivation?)

Mycoplasma Pnemoniae IGG 2.73 H >1.10 Positive

Natural Killer Cell FUnction Assay 26 8-170 normal activity
(doc tells me this is %15 of normal function)

TGF-b1 7400 344-2382 pg/ml
( read that this could be elevated due to EBV and could cause low cd4 cell which I have and lower nk cell function, but also seen in people with Marfan syndrome or Ehlers DAnlos Syndrome, which I might have and people who live in moldy environments, which I do.:ill: )

T3 Rverse: 27 H 8-25
Free t4 1.7 0.8-1.8
Free t3 3.9 2.3-4.2
tsh 1.7 0.8-1.8

Please comment if you have had similar test results and what types of treatment have helped you. So far the equilibrant is making me really fatigued, SOB and my spine achey.

So from all the tests I have done i take it that it looks like my cfs is from a reactivation of EBV and immune dysfunction??
Is it that simple?


Senior Member

Was wondering where you're at on things now? We have a lot of similar test results (EBV, HHV6, mycoplasma). I'm negative for Lyme via Western Blot ad PCR, but have recently gotten a clinical diagnosis for Lyme and Bartonella. Also positive by PCR for protomyxzoa rheumatica and have recently beaten down high reverse T3 with a T3-only regiman. Just started minocycline for the mycoplasma and am not doing well with it. :ill:

Interested in where you're at on the journey!


Hi Creekee,

Right now I am just taking equilibrant (up to 2/day currently) and it is helping me with fewer crashes and faster recovery from crashes, but I crash a little when I up the dose. I am also taking a probiotic which is helping to keep my diarrhea away for now. I am trying to put on some much needed weight that I lost from the diarrhea, which I think maybe some sort of fungal overgrowth(not candida). The doctor I'm seeing doesn't want to address my infections yet because he believes I have a mercury burden that will just keep my immune system down no matter what antimicrobials I try. I am also testing my HLA genes to see if I can detox mold or not. I have a lot of mold in my house and that could be a very big issue. Also looking into getting the ERMI test done (for those who don't know check here).

I asked my doc if he thought i had lyme he said probably lol, but there wasn't much in way of good treatments.

Im going to start methylation protocol again, but this time very very slowly and through mostly sublingual/transdermal vitamins, tried taking orally but gave me really bad diarrhea(feeding fungus/bacteria?)

After I get methylation detox a bit better, I will then seek out an IAOMT dentist to remove the rest of my amalgams corretly(this time), and maybe start the Andy Cutler chelation protocol.

When I think back I wonder if mercury could have caused my cfs since the beginning. I lost 10 lbs before I got sick and I wonder if that could have released mercury from my fat stores. When I look of the symptoms of people who have mercury poisoning it looks very similar to viral/infectious agent symptoms.

I'm curious Why did your doc test you for protomyxzoa rheumatica?
are you taking a probiotic with your minocycline?