Need help interpreting ISAC panel results


Senior Member
Hi all
I finally ran an ISAC panel thru Esoterix, formerly Hemex, the lab where David Berg used to work.

Herewith the results:

Fibrinogen 357 mg/dl (160-420) for ppl under 60

Prothrombin fragment 1+2 191 pmol/L ( 80-315)

T/AT complexes 6.2ug/L (<4.1) HIGH

CD62P 3% in gate (1-27)

CD62P + ADP 33% (40-100) LOW

Platelet Activation ABNORMAL

I gather it is unusual to find 3 things abnormal in someone who has been sick as long as I have. It's usually just one from what I read on the web.

If anyone has a clue what any of this means, please weigh in, my doctor has never run this panel before.

I understand david berg is available for private consultations.. (google arizonacoag).. but not sure if I can afford it.



Senior Member
Hi all
I finally ran an ISAC panel thru Esoterix, formerly Hemex, the lab where David Berg used to work.

Herewith the results:

Fibrinogen 357 mg/dl (160-420) for ppl under 60

Prothrombin fragment 1+2 191 pmol/L ( 80-315)

T/AT complexes 6.2ug/L (<4.1) HIGH

CD62P 3% in gate (1-27)

CD62P + ADP 33% (40-100) LOW

Platelet Activation ABNORMAL

I gather it is unusual to find 3 things abnormal in someone who has been sick as long as I have. It's usually just one from what I read on the web.

If anyone has a clue what any of this means, please weigh in, my doctor has never run this panel before.

I understand david berg is available for private consultations.. (google arizonacoag).. but not sure if I can afford it.


I had mine done through HEMEX years ago. My doctor went down to Arizona to attend a workshop where he met Berg. From my memory I believe if you have 2 + HIGH that is an indication of an infection. If the CD2P + ADP is HIGH this is an indication of an "active infection". If the CD62P is HIGH you have an "underlying infection" which Berg at time told my doc was HHV6.

So if you start heparin to thin the blood other numbers such as CD62P + ADP will start to show HIGH because the blood thinner will bring the infection to surface.

I had 2 that were HIGH: CD62P 41 (ref range 0-27) and Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 (ref range 0.4- 1.1).

If you want I can dig up some more stuff that Berg said.


Senior Member
yes, if you have anything else please post it.
I can't find specifics on the test results in a google search, but I will keep trying.


Senior Member
yes, if you have anything else please post it.
I can't find specifics on the test results in a google search, but I will keep trying.

What I basically have is David Berg's transcripts from 2000. Do you have these? I printed them out.

My doctor's info is from memory : / I didn't write anything down back then and the hematologist we consulted disagreed with Berg so I kind let it go for the time being.

If you want me to write the transcripts from David Berg ie; test interpretation and treatments he rec'd back then let me know and I will.

Do you know if you have hereditary genetic defects? Because there are other tests Lp(a) and specifically PAl-1 that Berg rec'd having done because the treatment protocol is quite different.


Senior Member
I don't have any hereditary genetic defects if memory serves..I checked that years ago.

Sorry to be dense, where are you printing this stuff out from.. personal Word files?

Either way, hold off for now..sounds like a lot of work.. and things may have changed.

I may come back to you though. Thanks for the generous offer.


Senior Member
Spoke with a doctor who shld know something about this.. he says he would not treat hypercoag based on these results. Says they are not bad except the anti thrombin marker.
Very disappointed and not entirely convinced.. but maybe it's biofilm that makes me feel like I am not getting enof oxygen to major organs.


Senior Member
Yes it is disappointing. I also feel that there is something(if not fibrin) that leads to decreased oxygen, nutrient and cellular passage in the tissues around the micro circulation.


Senior Member
Spoke with a doctor who shld know something about this.. he says he would not treat hypercoag based on these results. Says they are not bad except the anti thrombin marker.
Very disappointed and not entirely convinced.. but maybe it's biofilm that makes me feel like I am not getting enof oxygen to major organs.

so are you going to pursue this any further?

are you still doing biofilm?


Senior Member
Update: I spoke to david berg, & he said that I do have excess fibrin..aka hypercoagulation based on my fibrinogen reading above. He said the lab ranges have been changed ...but 357 is high out of range in his opinion.

He wants me to do some more tests...hereditary defect panel and alpha plasmin II...

I am consulting him privately...

So I guess this is a work in progress...


Senior Member
Update: I spoke to david berg, & he said that I do have excess fibrin..aka hypercoagulation based on my fibrinogen reading above. He said the lab ranges have been changed ...but 357 is high out of range in his opinion.

So this is "better" actually in that you know there's something here you can fix?


Senior Member
I guess. I just wish I had a physician who would just do an empirical test of Heparin... like some others do.. My doc is covering his ass because insurance cos. are breathing down his neck for some reason or other.


Senior Member
based on my esoterix results & some other labs, Protein C, activity, Protein S activity, antithrombin III activity, & antiplasmin II or sthg to that effect, Berg says I do not have hypercoag. I am making tons of fibrin tho.
He says my labs indicated hypoxia.


Senior Member
I guess. I just wish I had a physician who would just do an empirical test of Heparin... like some others do.. My doc is covering his ass because insurance cos. are breathing down his neck for some reason or other.

I know this is old, but have you ever tried Lumbrokinase? Natural and supposedly works almost as well as Heparin, although I'm not sure at what dose.