Need guidance


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I guess we are lucky floaters don't hurt . I always thought it was from doing LSD? A thing called HPPD.

HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder) may be a cause of visual snow and light tracers but I don't think floaters are included.

Is the fatigue so much that we just don't have the energy to feel excitement?

Here is an article by Cort on HealthRising about some possible reasons for the lack of enjoyment effect in fibromyalgia and ME/CFS.

PEM dulls my ability to feel emotion even more than usual so there are probably multiple contributors.

Have you had any luck with anhedonia ?

I seem to go through phases. Nothing seems to help consistently. Hip lists various supplements to try in the link I posted above.


Senior Member
HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder) may be a cause of visual snow and light tracers but I don't think floaters are included.

Here is an article by Cort on HealthRising about some possible reasons for the lack of enjoyment effect in fibromyalgia and ME/CFS.

PEM dulls my ability to feel emotion even more than usual so there are probably multiple contributors.

I seem to go through phases. Nothing seems to help consistently. Hip lists various supplements to try in the link I posted above.

Atleast it's not dangerous then. Just an annoyance. I always thought because I've done shrooms before that that experience caused this visual snow.

That's such an interesting article. I actually had a similar idea before they found my sarcoidosis. Ironically my symptom's started two weeks after I quit using weed. Weed definitely had a down regulating affect on dopamine as well.
They also talk about exercise and how it feels good at the moment but then you pay for it . I do agree but it really varies. Bed bound and house bound are two different things. I'm house bound but still am able to go for two hour walks. I do drink a coffee and listen to music. I feel good and motivated for about a peak of 5-10 minutes. I don't even get that feeling from weed . Haven't since before I was sick so dopamine gotta have some huge play .


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes


Senior Member
Have you read this post by @Hip. I copied it from page 5 because that is where someone starts talking about the dopaminergic effects in post #97, I believe.

I started this maybe 2 months back and I do feel more motivated for a while during the day when I take it.
Ohhh I was reading this not too long ago. You still get the kind of good feeling of chills running up the spine ? Lately I've been able to use certain EDM songs to get it. While I get my haircut today was quite possibly the best feeling I've felt since getting sick. I was thinking that whole time why can't I control this ? Why do we feel this?


Senior Member
My doctor is basically useless. I can to him and was talking about a new fatigue drug he said he found. Fucking says methylphenidate not new at all. Forgets everything I talked about before then rushed me out of his office. So fucking sick of useless doctors.
Cantt go to a specialist as they are closed cause of this virus. I've tried everything for dizziness and lightheaded. Motion sickness. Neck pain (Actually quite severe) . My entire body has tremors . They have gottenabit better but people ask me like are you okay? Yup I can't control these shakes that go into my jaw and eyelids too. I mean my entire body.

My last doctor's visit was him saying maybe you need anxiety medication....for the love of God the next guy the tells me anxiety medication I'm going to beat them. The odds of anxiety causing all of these symptoms for 24/7 since June 2018 is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Just keep going doing the rabbit hole thinking of maybe this is it . Nope. So I'm just permanently dizzy and nothing helps only makes it worse. I really need someone to talk too right now because I'm losing my last bit of.hope slowly but surely


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I really need someone to talk too right now because I'm losing my last bit of.hope slowly but surely

Maybe not a helpful offering but can you see if there are any chiropractors' offices still open near you? If you do search, look for one that does hands on adjustments and doesn't just adjust the atlas.

My whole-back chiropractor doesn't really understand this disease, I can tell he thinks it's hormonal or something, but he still sympathizes and is not big on big pharma. He also is not part of a medical group. I think that makes a difference too at least here in the states. (We went to one that was part of the clinic for a while and they wanted to bill for each part of my back that that chiropractor made an adjustment on. It was also assembly line like in that he only took literally about 3 minutes on each patient. It was really ridiculous.)


Senior Member
So I'm just permanently dizzy and nothing helps only makes it worse.
Meclizine and some other anti-histamines can help a little. Meclizine is a motion sickness drug. I sympathize about not much working....... not found much that helps either, usually it improves with time.


Senior Member
If you are getting eye floaters the doc should be checking you against lyme. Floaters is s typical symptom of ongoing lyme infection.

Its pretty common to have both lyme and sarc at the same time:

MP will be the hell for you though. It will bed bound for a minimum of 2 years and you'd probably need antibiotics at some future point too, since without them the protocol takes around 10(7..14) years to complete for a satisfactory(still not guaranteed though) result.
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Senior Member
How does one even get tested ? The coronavirus has caused my doctor to take a vacation so I can't get any test as @Judee has been helping with neck exercises for my lightheadedness. Like many of us my brain fog is so bad research is hard to do. The good days I'm excellent. The bad days I can barely move or have motivation to do things. This itself holds me back from figuring out the puzzle !


Senior Member
Also what's with the people down right saying Lyme disease doesn't exist ? Has the world gone insane ? I had a horse of people on YouTube try to tell me covid doesn't exist when my aunt actually just got it because she works in a hospital. I'm so disgusted with the world ...


Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, @HABS93

At this moment in time, I share your disgust with the world. :jaw-drop:

I am very sorry to hear that your aunt has contracted COVID19. She is very brave to work in a hospital, and I hope she will have a full and swift recovery.

I don't want to take this thread off topic, but I hope you are taking all the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe during this pandemic.

I worry that, because you have had pulmonary sarcoidosis, your lungs might be a weak spot for you, perhaps putting you in the "high-risk" group for COVID19, and I don't want anything else to happen to you!

You've already have too many health conditions to deal with!

Be well, HABS93!


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
It can be difficult to find a doctor to treat. They're called LLMDs and many of the websites to locate one in your area only give out their names if you sign up for their site as this SITE says,

"Because there is a negative political climate surrounding Lyme disease, many LLMDs do not want their names posted outright on the internet. LDA has tried to balance the doctors’ wishes with patients’ need to find a doctor, and this system is a result of that compromise."

Here's a Lyme's doctor in Ontario but it sounds like he wants you to be tested first. You could possibly email him to see where he would recommend you go for that:
He also says on his site that his clinic is not covered by OHIP.

This also looks like a good article by a Lyme's patient in your local newspaper:

Hope you get some answers. As @Zebra says please take care of yourself.


Senior Member
@Zebra Awe thank you much love 😊I've been quaratined I go for a brisk walk into a forest with no one around me because I can't let the body completely detroriate. Sounds bad but I bought a pack of smokes. Quit weed then quit the smokes(Used it too get rid of the weed) I felt like I was havingheroin withdrawal. A sick body should never go through withdrawals . I made it . Nothing but fresh air. I really miss weed but it makes my faitgue 10x worse. Imove tomorrow to a permanent place so things are getting better. Body wise I enjoy the feeling of not relying on weed but I don't know-how I'll ever afford a Lyme test . I couldgetthe OHIP like @Judee mentioned below and thank you Judee you really helped me alot. The neck excercised are . I tricky . I hope everyone is doing well though! My aunts breathing is horrendous so covid isn't a joke . I Everyone saying it's fake or a conspiracy have no idea what this can do to you. I wonder if I did test positive for the OHIP Lyme test then I could argue to ODSP (Disabilities ) that this is why I'm sick and I need it. I might actually be able to swing that. However I feel like with my luck I'll test and I won't have it .

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member


Senior Member
Regarding eye might be worth trying some proteolytic serrapeptase...or possible another type. Go slow as this might induce a detox could also help the lungs....its helping mine.....I take one every few days- space them out.

This rather fascinating article from Taiwan - discusses having pineapple daily, for it.
This is a fascinating study thank you for that I've already begun to try it!


Senior Member
Just out of curiosity why does weed cause my tremors to be 10x worse? I've quit weed but maybe it's a clue to what's going on? I still have the tremors but when ever I did smoke weed itt made them so bad. Weed doesn't stimulate the Central nervous system so what's going on? Also a new eye symptom I noticed today. It looks like a vortex of black circles sucking into the center over and over again ....I'm getting scared what is going on ? I've quit all substances and ate alot healthier although not great still. I excercise and I've doing neck stretches @Judee showed me. This disease covid has blocked me from figuring out test and what's going on. Same with the Lyme test (If it is that) :(

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Just out of curiosity why does weed cause my tremors to be 10x worse?

That does seem odd to me, as I'd expect it to HELP something like that. Do you have access to clean stuff (just in case maybe its not organic, or something else is contaminating your source)?

Wonder where are the experts on medical aspects of- cannabis. I'm frustrated that medical rapidly converted to recreational Profits....and th studies need to be done looking at all this but- still aren't being done...(in the U.S.) due to federal restrictions still in place.

The dispensaries here are open but there are people who want them closed. Obviously they aren't sick.

People seem to be forgetting that Covid has not altered all our other medical needs and issues.