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need doctor in Fl

Orlando, Fl
Hi I live in Orlando. I have the B12 problem really bad. I have found no one to help me. I have even been to Shand's Hospital. There is one alternative dr. here Dr. Kalidas but don't know what all he know about CFS and the severe need for B12. Anyone and advice? thanks so much , Bernetta Elliott


Senior Member
Southeastern US

I travel to see a CFS specialtist, but he has mentioned that Joe DeLuca in Altamonte Springs is someone who is willing to see CFS patients, and seems well-informed. I don't have any personal experience with him, but it might be worth a try. His contact info, and other Florida docs can be found here: http://www.co-cure.org/USA_FL.htm

Also, Nancy Klimas has just opened a new clinic in Miami. She is among the best, so if you can travel, it might be a good bet to look into that. The website is here: http://www.cfsclinic.com/index.html

Good luck!
