Need assistance with results from 23andme.

I received the raw data from 23andme & ran it through the genetic genie so these are the results in my 2 uploaded files.. I've been digging through all the info I can gene by gene however I know I must be missing things because my cognition is still impaired (but much better than it was.) I can't remember my first year of being ill-it's just a blur but being able to sift through some of this data shows me how far I've come. Yah for me:)
Short version: I've been ill with extreme pain & fatigue but pushed through for many years until finally in May 2010, I crashed hard & am only now recuperating enough to be able to be up & around for a 4-5hr period. None of my physicians could never answer the "Why" question so I finally stopped asking but have been searching on my own. While visiting my Naturopath last month, I found a brochure for 23andme & thought that this would be a great place to start. PS..I did have a tick bite (with bulls-eye rash) in my 20s (mid-1970s) while hiking in Ontario but my blood in negative for Lyme. I've attended 2 clinics for pain related treatments, fatigue rehab, etc. but still only have half a life so if there's anything that I'm missing, I would love to be able to squeeze out a few more drops of pain & fatigue to improve my QOL.

My family has strong history of high lipids & hypertension (all 8 sibs + parents) & all the things that come with that particularly early MI, stroke + 2 cases of bile duct cancers. More recently there has been colon cancer & prostate cancer & 1 testicular cancer. My Mother also had Multiple myeloma but lived with that for many years. She died from the bile duct cancer. We all have lean bodies & eat very carefully.
Is this tmi??


  • Methylation Profile-Gene Genie MarilynPinsent March 31,2014.pdf
    59.5 KB · Views: 36
  • Detox Profile -Gene Genie MarilynPinsent March 31, 2014.pdf
    39.6 KB · Views: 37


Senior Member
@mpinsent - There are better tests available for Lyme now. I tested negative on Western Blot, put positive via Elispot-LTT. Probably got infected in the early 1990's when I lived out in the woods and got bitten dozens of times. I'm starting IV antibiotics in about 6 weeks.

Nothing looks too bad in your methylation report. Maybe a mild problem with B12.

But you've got a "no call" result on MTHFR C677T, which is the one you really want to know about because it's somewhat common to get the version which can cause a lot of problems with methylfolate production. You might be able to get that one tested individually from various companies.

Thanks for taking the time to write. I appreciate your comments. I wondered about the "no call" so may take your advice & look further.
I wish you well on your IV antibiotics! Speaking of IVs, I forgot to mention that I'm currently on my 3rd EDTA IV treatment for very high mercury (off the chart high), copper & zinc. I grew up in an active mining town so that may be the reason for that.
A mouthful of old fillings don't help. :)All the best! MP
Does anyone have any information regarding the COMT gene & variation?
COMT V158M rsID 4680 AA +/+
COMT H62H rsID 4633 TT +/+
These are my only ++ results on the Methylation profile..



Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Does anyone have any information regarding the COMT gene & variation?
COMT V158M rsID 4680 AA +/+
COMT H62H rsID 4633 TT +/+
These are my only ++ results on the Methylation profile..


Some people say that these COMTs may make you sensitive to methyl donors (so you might want to consider hydroxycobalamin for the B12 that Valentijn mentioned.) It doesn't appear to be consistent, though, so there may be something else at play.

It's true that you can get MTHFR C677T tested as an individual test. Meanwhile,you might want to try supplementing with methylfolate, if you don't mind experimenting on yourself. It appears on this forum that there are some people who can't tolerate it, so maybe you don't want to. I can't figure out what they all have in common, so I'm no help there. It all depends on your risk tolerance.