I received the raw data from 23andme & ran it through the genetic genie so these are the results in my 2 uploaded files.. I've been digging through all the info I can gene by gene however I know I must be missing things because my cognition is still impaired (but much better than it was.) I can't remember my first year of being ill-it's just a blur but being able to sift through some of this data shows me how far I've come. Yah for me
Short version: I've been ill with extreme pain & fatigue but pushed through for many years until finally in May 2010, I crashed hard & am only now recuperating enough to be able to be up & around for a 4-5hr period. None of my physicians could never answer the "Why" question so I finally stopped asking but have been searching on my own. While visiting my Naturopath last month, I found a brochure for 23andme & thought that this would be a great place to start. PS..I did have a tick bite (with bulls-eye rash) in my 20s (mid-1970s) while hiking in Ontario but my blood in negative for Lyme. I've attended 2 clinics for pain related treatments, fatigue rehab, etc. but still only have half a life so if there's anything that I'm missing, I would love to be able to squeeze out a few more drops of pain & fatigue to improve my QOL.
My family has strong history of high lipids & hypertension (all 8 sibs + parents) & all the things that come with that particularly early MI, stroke + 2 cases of bile duct cancers. More recently there has been colon cancer & prostate cancer & 1 testicular cancer. My Mother also had Multiple myeloma but lived with that for many years. She died from the bile duct cancer. We all have lean bodies & eat very carefully.
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Short version: I've been ill with extreme pain & fatigue but pushed through for many years until finally in May 2010, I crashed hard & am only now recuperating enough to be able to be up & around for a 4-5hr period. None of my physicians could never answer the "Why" question so I finally stopped asking but have been searching on my own. While visiting my Naturopath last month, I found a brochure for 23andme & thought that this would be a great place to start. PS..I did have a tick bite (with bulls-eye rash) in my 20s (mid-1970s) while hiking in Ontario but my blood in negative for Lyme. I've attended 2 clinics for pain related treatments, fatigue rehab, etc. but still only have half a life so if there's anything that I'm missing, I would love to be able to squeeze out a few more drops of pain & fatigue to improve my QOL.
My family has strong history of high lipids & hypertension (all 8 sibs + parents) & all the things that come with that particularly early MI, stroke + 2 cases of bile duct cancers. More recently there has been colon cancer & prostate cancer & 1 testicular cancer. My Mother also had Multiple myeloma but lived with that for many years. She died from the bile duct cancer. We all have lean bodies & eat very carefully.
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