Oh, I have thick skin when it comes to my writing anymore. Oddly, one of the prominent areas that seems to have been impacted is my use of prepositions. I find that odd, and I'm struggling to get use to the deficit, but it is still ceaselessly annoying. I mix up withs and ofs and tos and betweens...And mixed metaphors? Ugly.
But you were talking cross-contamination.
Were it only that simple,
@JaimeS .
So, there were problems with the lab, but you have to peer a little deeper into what B. Johnson and company were actually criticizing. It might not be what you think.
The European species thing is puzzling. Not so much that there is evidence of it - does anyone really believe garinii and afzelii aren't in North America? - but the degree of prevalence.
Then you might want to consider if any of those who took exception to the paper and the ALS test had any horse in the race. (Hint: At least one of them might)
You probably should question why the results from the validation efforts haven't emerged.
A member here - LHCTom - did a great evaluation of criticisms launched at the lab. I think it is somewhere on PR.