Naturopathy: Happy Anniversary to Me and Dr. Upcott

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It has been seven years since Jody Smith began seeing her Naturopath Doctor. Time then for a brief reflection on the extent to which a variety of interventions may have helped move Jody forwards in her own battle with ME/CFS...

Naturopathic Doctor,
Kelly Upcott

February, this year, marks seven years since I began seeing my naturopath, Dr. Kelly Upcott. For six and a half years, I saw her every month, and if, for some reason, there was five or six weeks between appointments, I would begin to deteriorate rapidly. But all that changed last summer.

Circumstances prevented me from getting in for two months, and we were both pleased to find that there had been no setbacks. We scheduled my next appointment for three months later and again found that I was fine for that long a stretch.

For the last couple of years, most of what we did during my visits was a half hour of conversation about how things had been, and half an hour of acupuncture.

In the beginning, things for were very different for me than they are now...

I was dealing with a lot of pain. I needed pillows on the armrests of my chair, which she kindly provided, to protect my sore arms and hands. My memory and cognitive function was so poor that she had to write down everything I needed to remember from the appointment. And my husband would drive me home after each appointment and I would be straight off to bed - to recover from utter exhaustion and cognitive collapse.

My treatments

The first supplements she put me on were vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), omega-3 oil and a tincture from her office called Deep Immune and then after a few months, she gave me some little black things called 'ear seeds' for auricular therapy (see link below).

She taped two in specific acupuncture spots in each ear and instructed me to press on them frequently throughout the day. This pressure was supposed to help regulate internal organs, their structures and functions. When any of the seeds came loose, I was to replace them from the little box of seeds she sent home with me.

Naturopathy appointments used to exhaust me to the point that I would spend the next day or so in bed to recuperate. But by about my fifth visit, my recuperation time had decreased to only one day in bed. Then it soared back up to a couple of days recovery time after she introduced acupuncture, sticking needles in specific locations in my face, top of my head, ears, and spots along my arms, legs, in my hands and feet.

I went home after the first acupuncture treatment in a fog, and sometimes things hurt worse for a few days after a treatment. This was the case for several months of acupuncture. But, eventually, I was able to come home from acupuncture feeling no ill effects.

I had already been on a low carb diet for five years which I think had helped to reduce many of my cognitive, digestive and neurological symptoms. To help with a leaky gut and a poor digestive system, she had me start juicing, and advised me to get some liquid chlorophyll, to be mixed with a glass of water daily. To aid in detoxification and relieving the overload on my liver, she suggested I get a loofah and practice dry skin brushing.

To reduce congestion and pain in my throat and in the glands under my ears and in my neck, she gave me a jar of Lymphagen ointment which promotes lymph movement. It made a difference almost immediately. My nose would start to run, and the phlegm in my throat would break loose within minutes. And the chronic soreness and congestion gradually went away over a period of a few months.

Using sinus lavage (normally recommended to be done with a 'neti pot' but my turkey baster did just fine) with water that had been boiled and cooled along with a little salt, ultimately ended the last vestiges of vertigo, as well as the 'ticking' and 'squeak' I used to hear in my ears (see note below).

By the end of the first year of naturopathy, I no longer had intense pain and stiffness in my hands. I no longer had to go to bed for two hours at a time, three times during the day. I no longer had chronic sore throats, ear aches and congestion in my ears. My ability to think was returning, and I was no longer so dizzy or so disoriented as I went about my tiny day. The feeling of vibrating all the time was drastically reduced.

I went in to see her that first time in February of 2007 with no hope. In a matter of a few months, I began to think that maybe there was something more, something better, in my future. So far, so good.

- JS


Please note: When practicing sinus lavage, it is important to use distilled water or water that has been boiled and is sterile. Plain tap water can contain bacteria, leaving you vulnerable to possible infection. Two people died in the United States in 2011 after flushing their sinuses with tap water from a resulting infection.

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Read more of my journey:

My Naturopathic Experience with Dr. Kelly Upcott

Omega 3 Oil Eases the Pain

Dr. Upcott's Deep Immune Tincture

Ear seeds

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a Low Carb Diet

Sinus Irrigation

Neti Pot: Nasal Irrigation Pros and Cons

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Thanks Misfit Toy. There are a few of us out there who have managed to get put back together enough to be able to function better. Most we don't hear about. They are not blogging or writing articles, and many of them are just so relieved to be feeling human and being able to do some things that they are just off rebuilding their lives, not talking about it so much.

When I was at my sickest, it helped to hear that some people were improving. It gave me hope that it was possible, even though it felt like it was impossible.
Thanks for this article. Very good. I will look into the sinus cure further as that is something i was currently looking for. I can't use a neti pot. Ver sad about the couple of people who died though extremely rare.

I actually find ear acupuncture extremely helpful. I use a ball point pen top. :)

Acupuncture or acupressure? I have had both. Acupuncture once a month, with a couple of needles in the outer ear. Acupressure with the ear seeds, on a constant basis for several months.

I couldn't say for sure what if any benefits came of either of them. But I had terrible inner ear troubles with crippling vertigo for a long time, and all of that has disappeared for the most part and when it flares up it has still gone down to a dull roar (sorry, little vertigo/rushing sounds in the ear humour:)). I also had grown up with chronic swollen glands under my ears, with ear aches, sore throats, etc.

I am tempted to attribute at least some of the improvement to acupuncture, acupressure, and also sinus lavage and Lymphagen cream.
Acupuncture or acupressure? I have had both. Acupuncture once a month, with a couple of needles in the outer ear. Acupressure with the ear seeds, on a constant basis for several months.

I couldn't say for sure what if any benefits came of either of them. But I had terrible inner ear troubles with crippling vertigo for a long time, and all of that has disappeared for the most part and when it flares up it has still gone down to a dull roar (sorry, little vertigo/rushing sounds in the ear humour:)). I also had grown up with chronic swollen glands under my ears, with ear aches, sore throats, etc.

I am tempted to attribute at least some of the improvement to acupuncture, acupressure, and also sinus lavage and Lymphagen cream.

i have been trying to get some of that Lymphagen cream :) but amazon doesn't ship it to uk and i cant find it in the UK... :( I just need something like this too.

I think also we just don't have the same access and level of Naturopathic Doctors as people get around the world. I try not to get too disgruntled about this as I am told its the UK laws and constant attack they have to endure but I do feel that the UK is very backward in this respect.

I think of it at Ear Acupuncture but i dont use needles so its ear acupressure technically .

There are hundreds of specific points in the ears and i think because i can give myself instant feedback i get it right. although i have definately over stimulated a few times and thought 'uh oh' and gulped!

The bodies systems correlates to a foetus position in the ear . And so its a full body treatment. but i just go by where is painful and where it feels like it needs attention.

Body acupuncture and acupressure has been a mixed bag of results. Or just pain. I have had some good results with foot acupressure too. I seem to do best from techniques i apply to myself.

i was made up to read of your stable success. Your naturopathic Doctor looks like she is brimming with energy too :)
i have been trying to get some of that Lymphagen cream :) but amazon doesn't ship it to uk and i cant find it in the UK... :( I just need something like this too.

I think also we just don't have the same access and level of Naturopathic Doctors as people get around the world. I try not to get too disgruntled about this as I am told its the UK laws and constant attack they have to endure but I do feel that the UK is very backward in this respect.

I think of it at Ear Acupuncture but i dont use needles so its ear acupressure technically .

There are hundreds of specific points in the ears and i think because i can give myself instant feedback i get it right. although i have definately over stimulated a few times and thought 'uh oh' and gulped!

The bodies systems correlates to a foetus position in the ear . And so its a full body treatment. but i just go by where is painful and where it feels like it needs attention.

Body acupuncture and acupressure has been a mixed bag of results. Or just pain. I have had some good results with foot acupressure too. I seem to do best from techniques i apply to myself.

i was made up to read of your stable success. Your naturopathic Doctor looks like she is brimming with energy too :)
Hi Jody. Has been a long while since seeing you as I have been away dealing with losses in family; and coping with remaining independent, myself (decades of dx'd M. E). When insured for it, years ago, I did find improvement with combinations of massage, acupuncture and Chinese herbs by a chiropractor with vast experience in homeopathy. Since unmarried, without good insurance, it has been mostly diet, nutrition, and foot massage with lavender shea butter and using other herbs to help with emotions, and other symptoms. Of course I see an MD who keeps documentation and does basic physical every three months. But the continued lack of understanding, despite our limited conversations and attempts to educate.....has left me with limited medical care. Agree that self treatments work well when proven and well researched. How fortunate that you are celebrating this wonderful anniversary with your naturopath; and have improved in this span of time. Thank you for all that you have done in sharing your journey. It made a difference in my many isolated days (formerly Sue C).
Hi Jody. Has been a long while since seeing you as I have been away dealing with losses in family; and coping with remaining independent, myself (decades of dx'd M. E). When insured for it, years ago, I did find improvement with combinations of massage, acupuncture and Chinese herbs by a chiropractor with vast experience in homeopathy. Since unmarried, without good insurance, it has been mostly diet, nutrition, and foot massage with lavender shea butter and using other herbs to help with emotions, and other symptoms. Of course I see an MD who keeps documentation and does basic physical every three months. But the continued lack of understanding, despite our limited conversations and attempts to educate.....has left me with limited medical care. Agree that self treatments work well when proven and well researched. How fortunate that you are celebrating this wonderful anniversary with your naturopath; and have improved in this span of time. Thank you for all that you have done in sharing your journey. It made a difference in my many isolated days (formerly Sue C).

Creamcheese/Sue C.,

You've been through alot. I sympathize with your frustration with inadequate medical care. Until I found my naturopath I had the same situation to deal with. I hope that you will have better luck in finding treatment, supplements, etc. that will help your health to improve.
One of my favourite quotes (and mentioned on my PhotoBlog) is...........Those who say it cannot be done should not criticize those who are doing it!

Most patients with ME/CFS and/or FM have differing symptoms, as well as various degrees of severity with their symptoms. Genes, age, physical appearance and mental capacity vary with every single person - even identical twins. Therefore it's not unreasonable to suggest that we all need a variety of treatments - what works for some, may not work for others.

And then there are other medical conditions that the patient might also have at the same time e.g. I have severe Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy - an inherited condition on my Mother's side of the family (for which I am closely monitored and take meds). I have also been diagnosed with Diabetes (the females on my Father's side of the family), but do not need meds yet (probably my diet & exercise is keeping that at bay). My body controls my blood glucose levels really well at the moment (and has done since diagnosis in May 2012).

The Paleo Diet (no dairy or grains) works best for me - similar to what Jody eats. I am lactose intolerant and am symptomatic with grains. I used to eat a little dairy & rye sourdough bread to keep up some sort of tolerance for the occasional meal, but 3 years of severe heart symptoms and surges in dangerous levels of BP have led me to do more experimenting with diet and I'm back to 100% dairy & grain-free. This works for me (as it does for many other FM sufferers). I even noticed that slight stiffness in my joints has gone (as well as the pain).

With the Paleo Diet, the important thing is to eat 'lean' meat, as modern man does not do the daily exercise and hunt the wild lean animals (that our ancestors did). Most older or middle-aged folk need a calcium supplement anyway. Modern man is generally too sedentary/indoors to get the exercise and/or sun exposure to promote the uptake of calcium and Vit D.

I have been taking a well-rounded calcium/magnesium supplement for over 25 years and that, together with some calcium foods and weight-bearing slow walking, has shown, by the last full bone-density scan, that my bone density is 94% (well above the average for a Caucasian middle aged female, which is usually 85% or less).

I am not cured, but I have found out by trial & error what works for me (to be the best I can with chronic health conditions).

I think long term ME/CFS/FM sufferers should be open-minded and willing to try anything. Most of my improvement is purely through my own research and study of diet, alternative therapies and exercise (which I can tolerate). I have chosen NOT to pursue expensive trials, doctors and specialists. I did a little of this in the past and found them not only unhelpful, but downright narrow-minded in their approach, and in one case, dangerous. There is a time and place for medical specialists and hospitals - been there, done that.

I even finally agreed to a Diabetes Dietition specialist (which was covered by Medicare) and found him to be narrow-minded and dismissive of my tried & tested dietary approach. He insisted on 'x' foods and meal sizes which I am unable to tolerate. I have proved conclusively that dairy/grain free works for me. I tried his approach (briefly) and put on so much weight, increase in pain and 'brain fog' I couldn't function. And what was worse, was that a large intake of grains made me depressed and altered my positive outlook to a dreary negative angry demeanour. Within days of deleting wheat (in particular), I was back to my positive 'can do' outlook on life.

Fortunately, I have a wonderful GP who listens carefully and supports me.

Hi Vicki

You and I have had some similar health problems, and some similar improvements. We also have many differences in symptoms and reactions to various treatments as well. You and I are a great example of what you said here --

"Most patients with ME/CFS and/or FM have differing symptoms, as well as various degrees of severity with their symptoms. Genes, age, physical appearance and mental capacity vary with every single person - even identical twins. Therefore it's not unreasonable to suggest that we all need a variety of treatments - what works for some, may not work for others."

Thanks for detailing what you have learned in researching your condition and experimenting to find out what will work for you and what won't. Maybe some of your experience as you've outlined it will be helpful for other patients with similar challenges.
Yes, it is very good to remember what works for one might not for another. I hear a lot of people who find paleo helps them but I seen to so best on moderate carb. We are indeed all different