Natural Health Worldwide - Dr. Myhill's Latest Move


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Not sure if this is the right forum, but in deference to all the people that kindly took the time to post in the MAIMES thread, I thought it made most sense here.

When the GMC were investigating Dr. Myhill, many patients sent contributions toward her defence. She never spent these, but ring-fenced the money, and has now used it to fund Natural Health Worldwide. SHE WILL RECEIVE NO FINANCIAL BENEFIT FROM THIS PORTAL - if it ever makes money, of course.

The idea is that it is an eBay for opinions, allowing ME patients to use the expertise they've gained, and other practitioners a chance to have a global marketplace in which to meet clients. There is a rating system in place, and some practitioners are offering free taster sessions.

Will it work? Who knows? It's a characteristically bold move, and I'll be watching its progress with great interest.

Link to clip, and the copy beneath which explains the ideas in greater depth.



Senior Member
Hampshire, UK
I did a search for cfs practitioners. Below is the introduction for the 2nd one that comes up. He is listed as a "qualified health practitioner"

My goal and passion are helping people to change any negative emotional reactions, behaviors, habits, and beliefs. Teaching others how they can control their emotional and mental states and reactions;..


Senior Member
I did a search for cfs practitioners. Below is the introduction for the 2nd one that comes up. He is listed as a "qualified health practitioner"

My goal and passion are helping people to change any negative emotional reactions, behaviors, habits, and beliefs. Teaching others how they can control their emotional and mental states and reactions;..

I doubt many with ME/CFS will choose him. ;)


Rebel without a biscuit
I did a search for cfs practitioners. Below is the introduction for the 2nd one that comes up. He is listed as a "qualified health practitioner"

My goal and passion are helping people to change any negative emotional reactions, behaviors, habits, and beliefs. Teaching others how they can control their emotional and mental states and reactions;..


That was my concern on reading about and looking at the site. <sigh> The NHS may be broken but a non-selective free for all site is not something I'd give support to. And it continues the damage done to PwME.

My second and very big problem is it encourages a system that is not fair and equal. Nothing will ever be perfect but encouraging seeking health alternatives outside of social medicine is regressive. There is enough money for the NHS. We live in a time of plenty. It just needs for the 5% to actually pay their taxes.

Dr Myhill may be a very good practitioner and have PwME's best interests at heart but she also comes off as someone who hasn't a clue about the other kinds of struggles that chronically ill people face. Ever since watching the first video I've been thinking about the Ketogenic Diet. For myself I've had epilepsy and my husband has diabetes. We both potentially could benefit as well possibly for my ME. However the cost of eating that way (as we began to explore it) is quite prohibitive. I know that Dr M is under no obligation to consider this but her presentation (and now I'm referring to previous info as well) always comes off a bit rich (privileged). Just saying.
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Senior Member
Vancouver, British Columbia
However the cost of eating that way (as we began to explore it) is quite prohibitive. I know that Dr M is under no obligation to consider this but her presentation (and now I'm referring to previous info as well) always comes off a bit rich (privileged). Just saying.
It's not just the monetary cost, but the energy that it takes to eat this way. On my really bad days I don't always have the energy to be preparing and cooking fresh food. I think it is very unrealistic to expect some very sick people to be able to live this way.


mum to ME daughter
To do low carb or keto you have to be very organised and meal plan for weeks. There are ready made meal plans, but i would agree that you would need help to do it. My aunt has 2 -4 weeks worth of bone broth, soups and stews etc in her freezer so that veg is all that needs to be added. Without her able bodied sister she wouldn't be able to do it at all