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National Parks Pass


Senior Member
My wife and I just made the discovery that the US national parks offer a lifetime pass to the disabled. It costs nothing and, surprisingly, did not require proof, at least when we got one at the gate of a park we are visiting.

Just a heads up to anyone well enough to drive or ride as a passenger. The pass also covers other vehicle occupants.


Senior Member
My wife and I just made the discovery that the US national parks offer a lifetime pass to the disabled. It costs nothing and, surprisingly, did not require proof, at least when we got one at the gate of a park we are visiting.

Just a heads up to anyone well enough to drive or ride as a passenger. The pass also covers other vehicle occupants.

I hope you had a nice drive!
Great discovery! Thanks for the info. (It looks as though additional info is here https://store.usgs.gov/pass/access.html)


Senior Member
Thank you, Denise. It is really more than I can manage to do long car rides and short walks, but it is nice and I am so grateful to be well enough even to do that.


Senior Member
..It is really more than I can manage to do long car rides and short walks....

Caution - venting.
I HATE that we have so very very little that can effectively counteract the limitations imposed by this disease.

sorry to go OT


Senior Member
Caution - venting.
I HATE that we have so very very little that can effectively counteract the limitations imposed by this disease.

sorry to go OT
I know what you mean. :( Even most of the small pleasures are denied us. This is a very cruel disease.