My good friend Agent Joyscobby found this little gem :Retro wink:
Check out the current research they want to link in with, there's a lot of interesting gammaretroviral work going on that could help us. This is not CFS or XMRV specific but it does include XMRV and inhibiting replication of these slow retroviruses which can only help us. I won't read too much into this but it looks more likely that XMRV is being found to be pathogenic to some degree, whether it be prostate cancer or CFS to have reason to want to know how to stop it replicating. It's a nice little find by Joy.
Genetic Basis of Resistance to Mouse Gammaretroviruses, Dr. Christine Kozak
A postdoctoral position is available in the Viral Biology Section of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in a program that is focused on factors that inhibit gammaretrovirus replication at entry or post-entry stages of the viral life cycle. Recent and ongoing projects include: 1) the identification of receptor determinants for xenotropic gammaretroviruses including XMRV, an isolate from human prostate cancers and patients with chronic fatigue syndrome; 2) the co-evolution of xenotropic virus envelope and host receptor in rodent species; 3) the origin and adaptive evolution of post-entry factors in host cells that restrict replication; 4) receptor-mediated control of host range and cytopathicity of ecotropic gammaretroviruses.
Interested candidates must possess a Ph.D. and/or an M.D. and have a strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry, and/or virology. The salary range is commensurate with experience. To apply, click on the button below, or send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, bibliography, and names of three references to:
Dr. Christine A. Kozak
Viral Biology Section, Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
4 Center Drive MSC0460
Building 4, Room 329
Bethesda, MD 20892-0460
Fax: (301) 402-6447
E-mail: ckozak@niaid.nih.gov
Web site: http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/labs/aboutlabs/lmm/viralBiologySection/
Selected recent publications:
1. YAN, Y., LIU, Q., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Six host range variants of the xenotropic/polytropic gammaretroviruses define determinants for entry in the XPR1 receptor. Retrovirology 6:87.
2. KNOPER, R. C., FERRARONE, J., YAN, Y., LAFONT, B. A., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Removal of either N-glycan site from the envelope receptor binding domain of Moloney and Friend but not AKV mouse ecotropic gammaretroviruses alters receptor usage. Virology 391:232-9, 2009.
3. YAN, Y., BUCKLER-WHITE, A., WOLLENBERG, K, AND KOZAK, C. A.: Origin, antiviral function and evidence for positive selection of the gammaretrovirus restriction gene Fv1 in the genus Mus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106:3259-63, 2009.
4. STOCKING, C. AND KOZAK, C. A.: Murine endogenous retroviruses. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 65:3383-98, 2008.
5. YAN, Y. AND KOZAK, C. A.: Novel post-entry resistance to AKV ecotropic mouse gammaretroviruses in the African pygmy mouse, Mus minutoides. J. Virol. 82:6120-9, 2008.
6. YAN, Y., JUNG, Y. T., WU, T., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Role of receptor polymorphism and glycosylation in syncytium induction and host range variation of ecotropic mouse gammaretroviruses. Retrovirology 5:2, 2008.
7. YAN, Y., KNOPER, R. C., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Wild mouse variants of envelope genes of xenotropic/polytropic mouse gammaretroviruses and their XPR1 receptors elucidate receptor determinants of virus entry. J. Virol. 81:10550-7, 2007.
8. WU, T., YAN, Y., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Rmcf2, a xenotropic provirus in the Asian mouse species Mus castaneus, blocks infection by polytropic mouse gammaretroviruses. J. Virol. 79:9677-9684, 2005.
9. JUNG, Y. T., WU, T., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Novel host range and cytopathic variant of ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus. J. Virol. 78:12189-12197, 2004.
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.
Check out the current research they want to link in with, there's a lot of interesting gammaretroviral work going on that could help us. This is not CFS or XMRV specific but it does include XMRV and inhibiting replication of these slow retroviruses which can only help us. I won't read too much into this but it looks more likely that XMRV is being found to be pathogenic to some degree, whether it be prostate cancer or CFS to have reason to want to know how to stop it replicating. It's a nice little find by Joy.
Genetic Basis of Resistance to Mouse Gammaretroviruses, Dr. Christine Kozak
A postdoctoral position is available in the Viral Biology Section of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in a program that is focused on factors that inhibit gammaretrovirus replication at entry or post-entry stages of the viral life cycle. Recent and ongoing projects include: 1) the identification of receptor determinants for xenotropic gammaretroviruses including XMRV, an isolate from human prostate cancers and patients with chronic fatigue syndrome; 2) the co-evolution of xenotropic virus envelope and host receptor in rodent species; 3) the origin and adaptive evolution of post-entry factors in host cells that restrict replication; 4) receptor-mediated control of host range and cytopathicity of ecotropic gammaretroviruses.
Interested candidates must possess a Ph.D. and/or an M.D. and have a strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry, and/or virology. The salary range is commensurate with experience. To apply, click on the button below, or send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, bibliography, and names of three references to:
Dr. Christine A. Kozak
Viral Biology Section, Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
4 Center Drive MSC0460
Building 4, Room 329
Bethesda, MD 20892-0460
Fax: (301) 402-6447
E-mail: ckozak@niaid.nih.gov
Web site: http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/labs/aboutlabs/lmm/viralBiologySection/
Selected recent publications:
1. YAN, Y., LIU, Q., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Six host range variants of the xenotropic/polytropic gammaretroviruses define determinants for entry in the XPR1 receptor. Retrovirology 6:87.
2. KNOPER, R. C., FERRARONE, J., YAN, Y., LAFONT, B. A., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Removal of either N-glycan site from the envelope receptor binding domain of Moloney and Friend but not AKV mouse ecotropic gammaretroviruses alters receptor usage. Virology 391:232-9, 2009.
3. YAN, Y., BUCKLER-WHITE, A., WOLLENBERG, K, AND KOZAK, C. A.: Origin, antiviral function and evidence for positive selection of the gammaretrovirus restriction gene Fv1 in the genus Mus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106:3259-63, 2009.
4. STOCKING, C. AND KOZAK, C. A.: Murine endogenous retroviruses. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 65:3383-98, 2008.
5. YAN, Y. AND KOZAK, C. A.: Novel post-entry resistance to AKV ecotropic mouse gammaretroviruses in the African pygmy mouse, Mus minutoides. J. Virol. 82:6120-9, 2008.
6. YAN, Y., JUNG, Y. T., WU, T., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Role of receptor polymorphism and glycosylation in syncytium induction and host range variation of ecotropic mouse gammaretroviruses. Retrovirology 5:2, 2008.
7. YAN, Y., KNOPER, R. C., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Wild mouse variants of envelope genes of xenotropic/polytropic mouse gammaretroviruses and their XPR1 receptors elucidate receptor determinants of virus entry. J. Virol. 81:10550-7, 2007.
8. WU, T., YAN, Y., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Rmcf2, a xenotropic provirus in the Asian mouse species Mus castaneus, blocks infection by polytropic mouse gammaretroviruses. J. Virol. 79:9677-9684, 2005.
9. JUNG, Y. T., WU, T., AND KOZAK, C. A.: Novel host range and cytopathic variant of ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus. J. Virol. 78:12189-12197, 2004.
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.