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Nancy Klimas On Video on CFSKnowledgeCenter


Senior Member
Central Texas
Dr. Klimas

Great video. I'm so glad I watched it.

At the end, speaking of people who have been ill for so long:

"This is absolutely the wrong time to give up. If you know people discouraged and depressed, this is the time to help them out, give them a leg up."

I think we can do that on this forum, I see it happening almost every day.

Thanks Cort.

(I can't believe how much you are working)


Senior Member
I love Dr. Klimas...

She's always struck me as very down to earth, no ego, just an extremely hard worker, dedicated to helping us figure this out, without the need for self-promotion.

Thanks Cort for the link!



Senior Member
Great video. I'm so glad I watched it.

At the end, speaking of people who have been ill for so long:

"This is absolutely the wrong time to give up. If you know people discouraged and depressed, this is the time to help them out, give them a leg up."

I think we can do that on this forum, I see it happening almost every day.

Thanks Cort.

(I can't believe how much you are working)

Thanks for posting that quote Kelly. It came at a good time.

It's a wonderful video, thanks for posting it Cort.


Senior Member
What struck me was Nancy saying that unlike all the other supposed causes, in the past, EBV and other things, were also found in high numbers in the public (controls), and this virus has, so far, now reached 98% positivity rate in CFIDS patients, but only 3.7% in controls.


Senior Member
Terrific video. Klimas needs more airtime as someone who appears to be an excellent communicator and balanced temperament. If only the WPI had the funds to give her a year-long fellowship.


Phoenix Rising Founder
She's been such a key figure in so many ways; research, advocacy, education... She's held just about every possible position; IACFS/ME president, CFSAC member, Fair Name Campaign board member - probably many other things. She's always trying to push the boundaries and she's very open to new ideas.

What really struck me about what she said was that this is the first virus to be found at high levels in chronic fatigue syndrome patients that is rare in the outside population..


Senior Member
What really struck me about what she said was that this is the first virus to be found at high levels in chronic fatigue syndrome patients that is rare in the outside population..

Indeed, that seems to be the take-home message. When people state, "well, I've been around a long time and they've made special claims for the roles of viruses in the past (EBV, HHV-6) to naught," they need to get a grasp on this new information. CFS patients HAVE this; healthy people DO NOT. Healthy people HAVE EBV antibodies; healthy people HAVE HHV-6 antibodies (they had roseola as kids). They do NOT have XMRV antibodies.

That's why the new name XAND is appropriate today. We do not know the exact nature of the association (though the world's new expert, Mikovits, believes it's a causal one) but there darn sure is one.