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Myers cocktail anyone?


Senior Member
Has anyone had a myers cocktail?

Before december I have been slowly getting better, my blood levels of inflammation are slowly normalizing as well:thumbsup:

I still had a lot of problems with muscle weakness, no strength in my arms, leg and back. So I asked my doctor and he said I could try a Myers cocktail. I had one the day after christmas and I had the best week afterwards:)
Then I had some problems getting the next cocktail at home, but last week I had one again and I had the best week again:thumbsup: I'm starting to like the myers cocktail:D:D

Has anyone tried this and what was the effect?


Senior Member
East Sussex
Before I had full blown ME, and when I had CFS/Fibro, I had a Myers Cocktail done in London - it definitely seemed quite effective. In fact I was so overwhelmed by the lift of pain and fatigue that I went walking around London for a whole afternoon (clearly overdoing it) and hence crashed a bit the following week. But for the next month I was definitely doing better, I wish that I had done one a month despite the cost
A couple of years ago I had my first Myers cocktail - and it was amazing - energy levels were back to close to pre cfs - and lasted two weeks. The effect wore off in the third week - I then went back and had a second Myers cocktail - and no effect. Same with third and fourth - zero uplift. Was devastating - thought I had found my cure. At the same time it gave me some hope in a fairly dark time - that there was something out there that could bring me back to my old self - and have my brain functioning as it once had.


Senior Member
I totally get it, it's hard to not enjoy it when you feel good:) It helps especially for the muscle pain/burning and the weakness I experience the day after:thumbsup:

How much did it cost in London?


Senior Member
East Sussex
How much did it cost in London?

It was very expensive, £300 for a Myers with added glutathione, magnesium and C - my approach to health at the time was that I really wanted to keep my job and could put aside something like £300 a month to stay well. So I kind of saw it as a one-off treatment that would give me a lot of improvement. In hindsight I realise that I should have tried to arrange a series of them at a lower price, which I think is entirely possible as they must be making huge profits.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I've had Myers cocktails in the past, and get personalized IV nutrients weekly. They've been very helpful in helping me function. I particularly need B12, and getting it into me has literally resurrected me from being in a heap on the floor.

The Myers cocktail can be customized to your needs, so if too much magnesium is a problem it can be reduced.

The important thing is to understand why its being offered and what the potential benefits in your situation would be.


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
I've had Myers cocktails in the past, and get personalized IV nutrients weekly. They've been very helpful in helping me function. I particularly need B12, and getting it into me has literally resurrected me from being in a heap on the floor.

The Myers cocktail can be customized to your needs, so if too much magnesium is a problem it can be reduced.

The important thing is to understand why its being offered and what the potential benefits in your situation would be.

My doc tried some adjustments, and eventually left out magnesium all together, they still didn't work well for me at that time. The way my symptoms shift, who knows, it might work better now.


Senior Member
It was very expensive, £300 for a Myers with added glutathione, magnesium and C - my approach to health at the time was that I really wanted to keep my job and could put aside something like £300 a month to stay well. So I kind of saw it as a one-off treatment that would give me a lot of improvement. In hindsight I realise that I should have tried to arrange a series of them at a lower price, which I think is entirely possible as they must be making huge profits.

Yes, those private places are making a lot of profit I think:confused: I buy the ingredients in the pharmacy for about 30-40 euro's. I am lucky enough to have a doctor at home;)

In my cocktail there's calcium, magnesium, vitamine C and all vitamine B's. Pretty simple really.

I've had Myers cocktails in the past, and get personalized IV nutrients weekly. They've been very helpful in helping me function. I particularly need B12, and getting it into me has literally resurrected me from being in a heap on the floor.

The Myers cocktail can be customized to your needs, so if too much magnesium is a problem it can be reduced.

The important thing is to understand why its being offered and what the potential benefits in your situation would be.

What is in yours? B12 helps me a lot as well. I have injected it for the last 5 years, it worked so well in the beginning that I thought for a while that B12 was my only problem. Until I got worse again.
Now I still inject a high dose IM. It works well for brain fog, it helps get rid of neurotoxines better.

I have no gluthation yet in mine, I think I will get that later. When my blood levels of inflammation have gone done further.
I tried it. I had 4 or 5, one every week. Didn't help me at all. I was exhausted after each one because I had to drive to the infusion place and walk through parking lot during hot summer. Waste of my time and money.

I'm glad that you're feeling better after them.


Senior Member
East Sussex
Yesterday I had my first Myers since having ME rather than just CFS/Fibro and it had an entirely different effect to the one I described in this thread.

I found the experience more intense, especially as it took two hours which was obviously exhausting anyway. This time it just felt too much for my body and afterwards I had a lot of headaches, chest tightness and shallow breathing, and heavy fatigue. Today I am still pretty bad but better and am hoping there are still some benefits to come from it.

Apparently some people - healthy or ill can have a detox reaction OR too much of one nutrient and not enough of another etc.

I’ll probably cancel next weeks if we can’t find a safe way to tailor it to my needs