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Mycoplasma and you: Protein M Binds to any antibody


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
So treating the Mycoplasma ends the faulty immune response of excessive antibody attachments? Very interesting stuff and I hope they find good use of things in the immunotherapy, is extremely intriguing to say the least!

Thanks for the link Leela!


Senior Member
Mycoplasma caused my cfs and I've had it another time since (that I know of). I wish I had a good cfs doctor to see if it's causing all my problems.


Senior Member
How do you know when mycoplasma is active?
The first test was a test that was done with initial investigations. They figured that, that was the trigger. Initial symptoms were chest pains and difficulty walking.

Then I was complaining of more chest pains and bringing up phlegm and my Dr said I was sitting down too much and my lungs weren't moving which was causing the problems. He did a test but obviously was too busy to look at the results. I only found out the other week that it came back again positive for Mycoplasma. This initially happened in May and I probably could of done with some treatment as the pain was really bad whilst breathing and at the top of my back. It's annoying as your made to feel like its your fault. There was a there was a 7 month gap between the incidents but still.

I said that next time I get chest pains in going to see the gp to see if I can get another Mycoplasma test. I'm starting to wonder if it's chronic but I don't know much about that side of this scientifically wise.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
what was tthe test name for mycoplasma and what lab was used? I am drowning in phlegm again and I believe it is due to something other than allergies. I notced a few times while on abx in janurary that for the first time in years I could take a deep breath and it was easy, without effort and felt so foreign to feel a full breath in my lungs without feeling the air had to travel through a less than porous impediment (I'm not sure this makes sense to anyone).


Senior Member
what was tthe test name for mycoplasma and what lab was used? I am drowning in phlegm again and I believe it is due to something other than allergies. I notced a few times while on abx in janurary that for the first time in years I could take a deep breath and it was easy, without effort and felt so foreign to feel a full breath in my lungs without feeling the air had to travel through a less than porous impediment (I'm not sure this makes sense to anyone).
I think it was Mycoplasma antibody/antigen blood test. Your Dr should be able to find it in their database. Make sure you get the test around the time you experience symptoms though as you want the most accurate results. Mycoplasma anti bodies can come back positive a while after the symptoms but just to be on the safe side.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Which of the multitude of symps are related to Mycoplasma - one I know is sinusitis. I do not have pneumonia but I hae constant phlegm .... not sure of my other symps which might be attributed to Mycoplasma....that is why it is so hard to determine which tests to get. I was leaning towards this becuase it is mentioned that mycoplasma frequently associated with lyme.


Senior Member
Which of the multitude of symps are related to Mycoplasma - one I know is sinusitis. I do not have pneumonia but I hae constant phlegm .... not sure of my other symps which might be attributed to Mycoplasma....that is why it is so hard to determine which tests to get. I was leaning towards this becuase it is mentioned that mycoplasma frequently associated with lyme.
Well I had Mycoplasma pneumonia so I can only talk about that but if your bringing phlegm up from your chest then that is definitely a symptom as that was one of my main symptoms. Along side chest pains, you may also see a rash which is commonly associated with Mycoplasma (learnt this recently). I had an odd cluster rash when I first got ill. It was like hives but without the redness and in small clusters. There were also little scars where the rashes were. If your Dr is willing then you could try the test now. If it comes back normals then wait till symptoms arise then try again. But my test was done 1 month 1/2 after I had initial symptoms and I already had a course of antibiotics.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
I do cough up some at times but usually when I wake up. So it is not in my chest this time, has been what I get really bad in the past, it is just like having chronic sinusitis that waxes and wanes. Thanks for you your response. Testing for mycoplasma is definitely on my list. Probably just have Infectolabs in Germany do it rather than a lab in USA..not sure yet on that.


Senior Member
My symptom the second time round when I was dismissed was bringing up phlegm in the morning! Quite a fair bit though. Defo get it checked when it's at its worse. Your normal gp should be able to do the test though.