Ironically I JUST registered here a few hours ago and was just accepted now to post. I was looking for support forums that use antibiotic treatment for these diseases and found this thread when I was googling. Hi guys.
I was diagnosed with Sjogren's just 2 weeks ago and have knee joint inflammation and bone pain and chronic fatigue symptoms. I feel way more like chronic fatigue with joint pain that's why I'm here. I dismissed the Sjogren's diagnosis the "rheumatologist" gave me after telling him my symptoms only to have him twist my answers into things that fit a textbook answer to fit a drug with and no answers as to causes etc. He twisted everything I told him as well as saying I couldn't be physically feeling in my brain and head wise, what I said I was feeling, and then he'd tell me his interpretations. Very condescending and patronizing. I'm a runner fitness girl and was fooled once before from the mainstream community and got very sick as a result of it so decided to fish for answers not being able to run again, and feeling mentally incapacitated, and feeling hit by a mack truck a huge motivator. I got online and researched Annals of Rheumatic Diseases and more and found Dr. Nicolson's site after connecting dots from the research of everything I'd learned.
So yes, I have contacted him, my blood is being drawn Mon at the lab where I live in B.C. Canada, and being sent to Nevada. I got the Unex kit from Nevada but I couldn't send it back down Fri. as it can't sit there over the weekend unattended obviously. Lab down there closes Fri.
I have started his doxycycline protocol Fri. of 2x 200mg every morning as well as the "combining" treatment he recommended. I thought I'd have to wait to start antibiotics so I could get a clear draw from the blood as he said in info on the site one has to be off antibiotics 4 - 6 weeks before drawing for a clear picture. I just now learned EXCEPT if you have been on antibiotics UNDER a week. THEN you can get a blood draw as the antibiotics in that timeframe cause the mycoplasma to start immediately shedding in your blood stream and my be easier to detect.
Here are one of his answers to my questions about that as I'd "not thinking" taken one doxy Fri before drawing the blood this coming Mon and thought I may have messed up results when I realized what I'd done.
This is from Dr. Nicolson yesterday.
"Actually, a brief course of doxycycline (less than one week) actually
increases your chance of having a positive blood test. The reason for
this is that the initial impact of antibiotic stimulates the release of
the microorganism from tissues and cells. However, after one week the
blood levels decline dramatically and then false negatives are a problem.
So you can start your antibiotics if the blood is drawn on Monday. The
instructions for taking doxycycline are attached. To reduce Herxheimer
reactions follow the instructions in the attachment."
- I had a deflated salines implant that was leaking inside me quite sometime and by the time I realized it, I am thinking this is why I am sick. Many implant women are being diagnosed with these diseases and FDA is dismissing testimony as I type. Explanted Oct., 25 2011. Symptoms of tinnitis and broken sleep, memory failing just starting, Oct 2010 one year before explant when I realized I was leaking. July 2011, 3 months before explant, joint and bone pain, flu like, sweats, stuttering, have no memory, rapid thoughts, blurry vision, coated tongue not candida, ears feel full sticky deep inside, weak, exhausted and more. Ironically he has many women not just silicone, but saline implants like me contact him. I found "abstracts" proving bacteria growth in breast implants and a variety of implants PERIOD. He has found women with implants tested positive for mycoplasmas. I have super nuero symptoms and the physical feelings in my head are awful along with the rest. I'll start a thread as I'm getting carried away................I just never thought this type of thing, exhisted. I'd never payed any heed to what Chronic Fatigue was. Holy smokes..............I'll let you guys no, what my tests yield. It was the mycoplasma test kit for $395.00 that tests for M fermantans,M hominis, and M pnuemonia that I'm being tested for. Total desparation for answers.
Other than 2 days with this new doxycycline treatment, I am not on any other pharmecueticals. I eat clean and added vit "recipes" he recommended on top of what I'd been taking.
Sorry for interrupting this thread with my long winded answer.