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My weird scalp problem


Senior Member
For as long as I can remember I've had a lot of strange feelings in my scalp, I remember getting my hair cut when I was little and feeling like someone has poured icy hot on it without even applying any product to it and just shaving my hair. As time went on throughout my life it has only gotten worse and peaked in my mid 20's when I developed EHS and MCS (electro and chemical sensitivity). The weird icy hot sensation from the top of my head upon getting a hair cut will travel down through my face in all the areas where I also can experience this (my forehead, cheeks, ears, sides and around mouth, and jaw).

I got my hair shaved yesterday and it is still going though decreasing in sensation, after I get one it usually takes some days to die down on top of my head. It feels like it's below the skin but not brain deep. It's not an itching on my scalp though my scalp is pretty dry (though lately has been getting a bit more oily, not sure if that is a good sign), it's like an electric icy hot sensation that can feel like a crawling sensation sometimes. Do not have head lice either. The sensation also likes to travel to my inner ear a bit too when it is flaring after getting a hair cut. Another oddity if it helps is that if I play with the tops of my ears my forehead specifically will feel very hot and I'll get a little brain fog.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I have dug around everywhere and I can find cases that are somewhat similar but nothing just like this.


Senior Member
Hi @Dysfunkion.....I wonder if you had damage to your head (nerves) when you were born. Perhaps you didn't crown properly, or there was a new or even incompetent person delivering you. I'm only saying that because you mention that you've had it "for as long as I (you) can remember. Just a thought. Yours, Lenora


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I was just thinking today that even my eyelash follicles are sensitive. I'm wondering if that's what's happening with you...first the cold sensation of having more air flow but then also the "bruising" of the follicles by doing something to the hair. Idk.

I don't shave my hair but even just putting my hair up on top of my head for a while and then bringing it down makes the follicles feel injured.


Edit: I'm chemical sensitive and I can even feel when fragrance is in the air and coating my eyelashes. It's awful. :(


Senior Member
Hi @Dysfunkion.....I wonder if you had damage to your head (nerves) when you were born. Perhaps you didn't crown properly, or there was a new or even incompetent person delivering you. I'm only saying that because you mention that you've had it "for as long as I (you) can remember. Just a thought. Yours, Lenora

See yeah that's what I think may have happened because this seemed to simply be like this before I was even exposed to much at all. And yeah you got that right actually, when my mother had me she had many "difficulties" I heard but I don't specifically know what happened. I do know she had a miscarriage too. When you say "didn't crown properly" what do you mean though, that the nerves on the top of my head didn't form properly? Everywhere else is fine, my neuropathy like this is all confined to my head and neck.

I was just thinking today that even my eyelash follicles are sensitive. I'm wondering if that's what's happening with you...first the cold sensation of having more air flow but then also the "bruising" of the follicles by doing something to the hair. Idk.

I don't shave my hair but even just putting my hair up on top of my head for a while and then bringing it down makes the follicles feel injured.


Edit: I'm chemical sensitive and I can even feel when fragrance is in the air and coating my eyelashes. It's awful. :(

My eyelash follicles don't seem to be sensitive, just all of the follicles on the top of my head. Like I said what triggers this though isn't anything actually rough so I don't think it's actual damage to the follicles themselves as much as damage to the nerves themselves that are easily irritated because they have no protection (which could even be what is behind my EMF sensitivity), it can also be triggered by chemicals like harsh fragrance in cleaning supplies, perfume, and other assorted scented stuff.

edit - Just took the second lengthy hot shower of the day as it's the only thing that is able to tame it for a short amount of time and I felt like I was going to go mad from the icy hot nerves all over my head, something about the sensory environment of a hot shower mutes it for a short time. This better be gone after tomorrow because I can't be dealing with this nonsense right now. Now that I'm out of the shower it's turned into a tingly warm feeling literally inside my ears, in random parts of my face/scalp, and around my mouth. I can't win with this garbage.
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Senior Member
By crowning I mean that you weren't in the proper position to be born. Sometimes even forceps can cause problems. Birth is by no means carefree. In most cases (and please let me stress MOST) things are fine, but it can happen.

If your mother is alive, ask her exactly what the problems were. I'd be surprised if she minded telling you at this stage. I had problems with both of my daughters, so it's not uncommon. Not all deliveries result in the baby being dropped in a field and the mother going right back to work. :) If there was nerve damage, not much can be done....but there are now compound creams that may help the burning, pain...whatever you're experiencing. A lot of us experience this after surgeries. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
hi Judee......I also can't wear my hair in an updo or with any bobby pins, clips or anything that may cause irritatiion. It hurts and like you said, it hurts after we've tried to put it up.

I'm wondering if alternate hot and cold water may help with some of your pain. It does mine, but of course our cold water isn't as cold as yours would be. Still, it's worth a trial. If nothing else, perhaps it takes our mind off the existing pain. I hope you feel better. Yours, Lenora