My strangest symptom.

Paducah, Kentucky
I was always feeling hungry and nauseous, and gained a lot of weight, until I cut out gluten and went low-carb. The weight fell off and my appetite has been pretty normal since. A lot of ME symptoms have improved too.

I don't know whether increasing protein significantly is necessary; too much can be bad for you.
I don't have that much protein as I am a vegan.

Conversely, fat is increasingly looking not to be the villain it has long been made out to be. I have plenty of fat and the weight is staying off. It seems to be best not to have too much omega-6, to have plenty of omega-3, to avoid trans fats (hydrogenated fats) and to use saturated fats for cooking rather than unsaturated fats.

A paleo diet seems to be a good way to go.

Actually, I've tried a no-carb diet before, with little results. It might have helped a little, but not significant enough to continue. I feel like I've tried every kind of diet known to man to get it to stop! haha.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Actually, I've tried a no-carb diet before, with little results. It might have helped a little, but not significant enough to continue. I feel like I've tried every kind of diet known to man to get it to stop! haha.

Have you tried cutting out dairy products? These are a problem for many people.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi xxRinxx,

. It gets worse if I eat sugar or carbs. I even get a sickly feeling if I ignore it for too long. The only thing that really helps is eating high protein, and drinking a lottttt of fluids. Its like a mixture of being amazingly hungry, and disgustingly nauseated at the same time! It

When I read that, I wonder if you have an issue with hyperinsulinemia. That would explain why it gets worst when you eat sugar or carbs, it also would explain why you feel sickly if you ignore your hunger. My specialist I see for my hyperinsulinemia says that ones insulin doesnt just go up in response to eatting carbs or sugar but the thought of food (eg hence when you are hungry) can set it off too. Those with this issue need to eat regularly. If Im hungry and dont eat, I end up feeling very sick. Those with an insulin issue NEED to eat a lot of protein eg eat protein every meal as it helps balance the insulin and helps stop the huge spike of it (hence specialists in this disorder tell their patients to eat LOTS OF PROTEIN).

Hyperinsulinemia can cause all kinds of symptoms (most doctors arent aware of this and dont realise it can cause symptoms), my specialist calls it the pandora's box of illnesses as it can cause so many different symptoms. It certainly was adding to my ME symptoms and also making some of my symptoms worst.

So my question to you is.. have you had a 2hr glucose tollerance test WITH INSULIN results included? If you havent, you should get this test done. Note this condition leads to diabetes but your sugar levels may be okay till one gets the diabetes.

When I first got REALLY sick i had heavy cycles. After about a year i actually got pretty chipper. I was at about a 80% functioning level, and even went to college classes...of course, my cycles had stopped. Didn't have a cycle for 6 months

Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) is quite common and can cause heavy periods and/or loss of periods (I think its the main cause of infertility in women due to loss of periods).

I always had a elevated testosterone before I got really sick, My acupuncturist, who is also a licensed Western doctor, did some tests, and my hormones came back WRECKED. I mean I hardly had any hormone of any kind, progesterone, testosterone, anything.

Elevated testosterone is one of the signs of PCOS and some doctors wont diagnose it without high testosterone. Thing is.. ME for many of us have affected our testosterone and has caused low testosterone. I used to have high testosterone (due to having PCOS) but now have basically nil testosterone due to the ME effects.

Note.. those who have PCOS are at very high risk of diabetes, 90% of PCOS people have diabetes or hyperinsulinemia by the time they are 40 years old. PCOS also puts one at risk of other issues too (increased heart issues, increased obesity etc etc), so if your doctor is covering up your PCOS period symptom by birth control pills, it doesnt mean that you arent at risk of the other things which go along with PCOS including hyperinsulinemia.

Get yourself tested by the 2hr glucose tollerance test with insulin included.

best luck
Paducah, Kentucky
Hi xxRinxx,

When I read that, I wonder if you have an issue with hyperinsulinemia. That would explain why it gets worst when you eat sugar or carbs, it also would explain why you feel sickly if you ignore your hunger. My specialist I see for my hyperinsulinemia says that ones insulin doesnt just go up in response to eatting carbs or sugar but the thought of food (eg hence when you are hungry) can set it off too. Those with this issue need to eat regularly. If Im hungry and dont eat, I end up feeling very sick. Those with an insulin issue NEED to eat a lot of protein eg eat protein every meal as it helps balance the insulin and helps stop the huge spike of it (hence specialists in this disorder tell their patients to eat LOTS OF PROTEIN).

Hyperinsulinemia can cause all kinds of symptoms (most doctors arent aware of this and dont realise it can cause symptoms), my specialist calls it the pandora's box of illnesses as it can cause so many different symptoms. It certainly was adding to my ME symptoms and also making some of my symptoms worst.

So my question to you is.. have you had a 2hr glucose tollerance test WITH INSULIN results included? If you havent, you should get this test done. Note this condition leads to diabetes but your sugar levels may be okay till one gets the diabetes.

Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) is quite common and can cause heavy periods and/or loss of periods (I think its the main cause of infertility in women due to loss of periods).

Elevated testosterone is one of the signs of PCOS and some doctors wont diagnose it without high testosterone. Thing is.. ME for many of us have affected our testosterone and has caused low testosterone. I used to have high testosterone (due to having PCOS) but now have basically nil testosterone due to the ME effects.

Note.. those who have PCOS are at very high risk of diabetes, 90% of PCOS people have diabetes or hyperinsulinemia by the time they are 40 years old. PCOS also puts one at risk of other issues too (increased heart issues, increased obesity etc etc), so if your doctor is covering up your PCOS period symptom by birth control pills, it doesnt mean that you arent at risk of the other things which go along with PCOS including hyperinsulinemia.

Get yourself tested by the 2hr glucose tollerance test with insulin included.

best luck

Wow I had never heard of that, that definitely gets me thinking.I haven't had a glucose test with insulin before, just the normal one where you drink that gross sugar substance(had about three of those..). I'll ask my doctor about it. THank you for the information!!


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Wow I had never heard of that, that definitely gets me thinking.I haven't had a glucose test with insulin before, just the normal one where you drink that gross sugar substance(had about three of those..). I'll ask my doctor about it. THank you for the information!!

Its exactly the same test (but make sure its a 2hr one as with some the issue is delayed) but the insulin results arent included (as they are just looking at the sugar) unless your doctor requests the lab to also include the insulin results. Doctors are far more familiar with the diabetes side of thing then the issue which comes first for many, the hyperinsulinemia (or insulin resistance).

The test can also be done by the same test but without the glucose solution and rather testing done before (for the first fasting blood test) and then having breakfast and being tested afterwards. I dont know if its the same for all but my insulin issues showed up 3 years earlier by doing a breakfast 2hr GTT, then they did with the glucose solution (my results now are terrible.. 3 times higher then normal range, with the glucose solution too).