My results Fungus in blood

Hi everyone

my blood is tested for fungus and the results are pretty bad.
I was wondering, does anyone else have also high titers for fungus??
And what is your treatment plan?? KDM doesnt really takes action.

I have really high titers for:

Alternaria altermata
apsergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus niger
Cladosporium herbarum
penicillium chrysogenum

I hope someone can give me more information.
And i dont have any fungus in my house, that is already been inspectet.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi everyone

my blood is tested for fungus and the results are pretty bad.
I was wondering, does anyone else have also high titers for fungus??
And what is your treatment plan?? KDM doesnt really takes action.

I have really high titers for:

Alternaria altermata
apsergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus niger
Cladosporium herbarum
penicillium chrysogenum

I hope someone can give me more information.
And i dont have any fungus in my house, that is already been inspectet.


I have been tested for these but was negative. Do you have your latest treatment plan? If not, perhaps you could email and ask how these high titers can be treated.

Best wishes,
I have a chronic candida infection in my blood. Been fighting it for over a year now with a variety of "azole"-type meds. Even though we had it gone for a few months, but then it came back when we stopped meds. Starting new "azole" after Thanksgiving (dont' want to start before because the meds make me feel even worse). Haven't been tested for any others, but that one just won't go away...


senior member
Concord, NH
Do you spend a lot of time outside of your home? If not, how do you/Drs gather that you have high mold counts in your blood?

I think Choleystryamine (CSM) would be a good treatment, along with chlorella?

Ive read somewhere that most people with CFS have chronic fungal/candida infections because of the immune dysfunction. About a year after my illness started I had some kind of candida antibody test which was positive. However the doctor Im seeing now does not believe you need to test for candida in the blood in order to treat it.

Everything Ive heard/read says that you have to kill off yeast in the gut as well as in the blood in order to treat a systemic infection. So I have eliminated all sweets, soft drinks, pastries and refined white flour from my diet because the yeast/fungus feeds on sugar. I take a tablespoon of coconut oil each day for its antifungal properties as well as a product called Candida Clear. To restore the balance of good bacteria in my gutI ingest 40 billion bacteria from probiotics a day. And Im also taking generic Diflacon. I didnt start the Diflacon until Id been using the other measures for about three weeks because Id read that this would lessen die-off symptoms. Im also taking a combination of Milk Thistle and NAC because Diflacon puts a lot of strain on the liver.

Ive found this program has made a huge improvement in my energy level and my gut problems.


I think you may have misunderstood what the results mean. The titers for moulds and yeasts are indicating the level of antibodies in your blood, not actual mould growing in your blood (if you had that youd die in a matter of days).

The antibodies can mean either that you have an infection of these moulds growing in your intestine or lady bits (candida albicans for example);
or an allergy to moulds in your house (aspergullis niger).

Health seeker has already given the best advice for candida. I'd resport to pharmaceuticl tratment as a last resort after trying the diet first, those meds are very heavy going. (I've taken them all, many don't work, nothing works unless you do the diet too).

Aspergillus niger is that black stuff that you see on onion skins. Do you eat onions? You're inhaling it if you leave them in your house. Most people's cars are full of it too, in all the crevices. It can easily hide in your house embedded in the plaster of the walls, invisibly. It may be behind your fridge or in the cavity around water pipes. Have a good look at all the silicone round the edge of your shower and bath - any traces of dark spots at all? That's aspergillus.

Candida is a treatable infection but the others are all allergies and that's why KDM doesn't offer treatment, the only thing you can do is get this stuff out of your life and wait for the titers to go down. BTW if you do the cleaning yourself the titers will go up for a while, you need to get someone else to do it.


Senior Member
Northern Ca. USA
I have a chronic candida infection in my blood. Been fighting it for over a year now with a variety of "azole"-type meds. Even though we had it gone for a few months, but then it came back when we stopped meds. Starting new "azole" after Thanksgiving (dont' want to start before because the meds make me feel even worse). Haven't been tested for any others, but that one just won't go away...

Do you notice symptom improvements when you get it knocked down?
Thanks all for responding.
I already follow a dieet, no sugar etc. And i dont have any fungus in my house, it is checked by a specialist. And i dont eat union and we dont have it either.

--- Hi Nabo, what kind of test it is? Antibodies or PCR? And which lab?
@ redlabs, antibodies test IGG

--- Do you spend a lot of time outside of your home? If not, how do you/Drs gather that you have high mold counts in your blood
No i am almost bedridden so always at home. KDM doesnt know where they come from. But not from my house

---- others are all allergies and that's why KDM doesn't offer treatment
So i have an allergie against these fungus??? Aspergillus etc?

yes, most of them are allergies.

This page has some advice on where you could be getting mould exposure that the tester may not have found in your home:

Did you check with him the scope/limits of his testing? He may have just been looking for specific types of mould and he may have just been looking for an overgrown mould problem, not at levels that would affect someone acutely mould sensitive. It is almost unheard of for someone's house to be utterly mould free.

The Mayo clinic article has good info too, it explains how to tell when it is not just an allergy but actually does become a toxic irritant problem or an acute infection


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I am not sure about this but I think one of the functions of NK cells is to keep fungal infections down. Do you know what your NK cell function is like? If this is correct then restoring NK cell function, when we learn how to do it reliably, should be a big step toward dealing with fungal infections. Bye, Alex


Senior Member
Just thought I'd add that I think it was Dr. Bell who mentioned the very same thing Alex.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi Nabo, high NK cells may not mean anything. In fact, that could be a good thing. It is how they are functioning that is important, and particularly the ratio of bright to dim cells if the Bond University research pans out. Bye, Alex
Do you notice symptom improvements when you get it knocked down?

Yes, when the antibody levels were lower, I had MUCH less joint pain. There was still some (which Doc thinks is permanent damage that the infection has done to my joints), but the constant hollow, aching pain was mostly gone.