@Helen Interesting about your note regarding sign of an impaired immune system.
The POTS isn't causing me any problems except when it is hot and I am doing physical stuff. I have to take another dose of the low dose betablocker to calm things down when conditions are like that.
I am still not great on getting up but I do have energy in my legs whereas I didn't used to but I wouldn't be able to just get up and get on with life. I need till about 9.30 to do that and still need to pace. However, I am not convinced that is anything to do with the borrelia, more likely to me being steroid dependent or it could be a combination of the two. Maybe as more time goes on it will become clearer.
One other thing I am having to work on is to be a lot stricter with my eating a low carb diet and only eating once between meals to keep my sugars down because they would otherwise be at prediabetic levels. I am not overweight but I don't think I make enough first phase insulin. The readings are improving and are just in the normal range now and being able to exercise now is making a huge difference. If I couldn't exercise I would probably need medication to bring them back down after eating especialy after my evening meal.
Yes I am very impressed with the Cowden herbs. Last week I added a small amount of the herb Tansy and have stopped the Andrographis because I was getting bad migraines again but since last August I have taken large amounts of Cats Claw, Andrograhis and Japanese Knotweed as well as the Cowden ones. Unfortunately I don't do well on the Buhner herbs because apart from Andrographis the other two are potent vasodilators which is the last thing I need as a POTS sufferer. They messed up my electrolytes and gave me pretty low bp and I needed as few doses of Fludrocortisone to put me right but since the beginning of the year, once I had stopped the JK and CC I haven't had further problems.
I did read that Stephen Buhner didn't think the Cowden herbs were sufficiently strong to get one well but all I know is thaat there are many on FB who just did Cowden and got well and several of them had been sick for a very long time similar to me.