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My Gentic Genie Results - Need help

Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help with interpreting my results. I have done my own research but I am honestly swamped with information. I can research each SNP no problem, but when they start having synergistic effects on each other I get confused.

From my results I understand my COMT Mutations will cause me to no break down neurotransmitters (which makes sense because I am an insomniac (my brain is always buzzing, cant relax). How can I resolve this?

My COMT and VDR taq = "It has been clinically observed that the body may have trouble tolerating methyl donors with a COMT V158M + and a VDR Taq + status" Ok. So how do I tackle this? Supplementing with hydroxocobalamin instead of methyl?

I also have Gut issues (as per my other thread), so if you think any of these are related please let me know. (sulphur/ammonia?)

Sorry for the noob post, but I am struggling. I'd really appreciate some help.


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Senior Member
Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help with interpreting my results. I have done my own research but I am honestly swamped with information. I can research each SNP no problem, but when they start having synergistic effects on each other I get confused.

From my results I understand my COMT Mutations will cause me to no break down neurotransmitters (which makes sense because I am an insomniac (my brain is always buzzing, cant relax). How can I resolve this?

My COMT and VDR taq = "It has been clinically observed that the body may have trouble tolerating methyl donors with a COMT V158M + and a VDR Taq + status" Ok. So how do I tackle this? Supplementing with hydroxocobalamin instead of methyl?

I also have Gut issues (as per my other thread), so if you think any of these are related please let me know. (sulphur/ammonia?)

Sorry for the noob post, but I am struggling. I'd really appreciate some help.

I wish I could help you. I am much as you are. I haven't had any COMT tests done, but my mind is always "on". I too am an insomniac, but OTC sleeping meds are a placebo to me. Hydroxocobalamin doesn't work either, but it might for you. We are all different of course.

I have to use Xanax and Mirtazapine to get some decent sleep. Xanax is becoming hard to
get, because the US quacks think you will become "dependent" on it. No kidding! I am dependent on getting some sleep too, because when I do not my muscles start hurting
again, even if I dont move a muscle doing anything, thanks to ME/CFS.

No need to apologize for being new here, BTW. I haven't been here that long myself.
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Senior Member
My COMT and VDR taq = "It has been clinically observed that the body may have trouble tolerating methyl donors with a COMT V158M + and a VDR Taq + status" Ok.
Use of the phrase "clinically observed" means it's the baseless opinion of someone who probably isn't even an MD licensed to treat patients. These are another Yasko myth - it is (probably wrongly) assumed that because the product of a gene acts as a methyl donor or methyl recipient, it must affect tolerance of methylB12.

There is absolutely no research supporting this claim, and anecdotal reports on this forum suggest that it is usually incorrect.

Oh no, that just adds to confusion!

I have been reading a lot of posts (a lot of your comments in fact) and applying them to my results.

"Having the two heterozygous MTHFR versions can mean that your methylfolate production is functioning at about 30% of normal. Hence supplementing a normal dose of methylfolate is probably a very good idea."

VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+ = Take vitamin D ?

Potentially supplementing with HydroxoB12 ?


Senior Member
"Having the two heterozygous MTHFR versions can mean that your methylfolate production is functioning at about 30% of normal. Hence supplementing a normal dose of methylfolate is probably a very good idea."
You don't have the same two heterozygous variants. One of yours (P39P) almost certainly has no impact at all. Being heterozygous for MTHFR A1298C would have a pretty small impact.

VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+ = Take vitamin D ?
Not based on those SNPs. They have very little impact, if any.