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i think I had diarrhea pretty quickly after starting the VSL-3..maybe a day or 2? can't remember exactly
This is from VSL#3's faqs on their website:How long were you taking it for before it affected you?
I have only taken 5 or 6 sachets now so far. Since my stomach bloated and swelled up, been severely constipated. So be glad of any way shifting it outta me, even diarrhea at this point!
Not sure to take my usual stuff to get things moving, but just wait it out for new gut stuff to start working or doing something.
So I was thinking of stopping taking the VSL for a day or two, hope the bloating goes then start it again. I have not taken it yet today. But since there is good stuff in it that I desperately need, so I am not sure what to do. I fit none of my clothes, even yoga pants.
You said it should be taken at night before, should I take both at night same time. I only seperated them through the day as thought it would be best.
Just had my first B12 injection. Absolutely horrendous, been roaring and howling with pain 5-10 mins , begining now to settle to more of a dull ache but still sore.
Yeah, I do the outer thigh, preferably the upper part. Never tried the hipMy mum did it in the hip, and don't think she did it slowly at all. Even though I went through your blog advice and experience with her yesterday. It was over and done with it before I knew, just pain after wards stuck around for forever, well gone now. As I was crying with pain shouted at her to 'Take it out, just take it out' , which thinking about it now is so funny.
Go with leg next time.
Does it hurt if you poke it?Oh just checked ... no bruise yet!
On Tuesday, I had an appointment with an Infectious Disease specialist in hopes of him signing a referral so I could get homecare IV treatment through my insurance co. ...So it seems, I will be sticking with original plans, and heading to Himmunitas for treatment in August.
Thank you @RML. I wish it were me as I'm over 60 and have had a good life. It's my 29-year-old daughter who has been suffering like all of you, for 8 years. But thank you and I wish you the best as well.Yes I understand exactly @NHjane My aunt organised this appointment as well as ringing loads of neurology and i.d guys too, none except this one I saw replied. My aunt never really understood why we just sit and wait and do nothing to treat it or whatever, she doesn't understand the challenges and barriers that are there. I think after lack of responses and dead ends she faced in last few weeks, she finally understands.
The guy I saw is meant to be best, but best of bad lot. He would actually give me antibiotics just orals and short term. For me that was not acceptable, I need fixing or at least a decent proper attempt at it. I don't think the group that recommended him were pleased with my stating it was bad experience even though I did down play it alot there. He is only option for some treatment here, not everyone in my position to travel.
I hope you manage to get what you need to heal yourself @NHjane , good luck.
Do you have to spend the time and money to go see her in person just to find out if she is willing to do the prescribed IVs? Can't her office staff tell you what her treatment policies are? It seems to me to be adding injury to insult to have to pay to be told that a physician won't treat you.So sorry you had to go through all that. We are hitting the same walls here in the US - can't find anyone willing to support a PICC line treatment or in fact any recommendations from another doctor. On Tuesday we see the same infectious disease specialist who didn't find Lyme 8 years ago and declared (as if we knew what she was talking about) "Oh, your mono isn't better and it's been 6 months? Oh, you have Chronic Fatigue." as matter-of-factly as if she'd noticed we had brown hair.
But she's our last hope because we know she does IV infusions in her office, tho we suspect for only 3 weeks blah blah... And then we'll have to give up as well, and start all over again, or plan to move to Brussels for 3 months of treatment.
And then what after 3 months? Still need a doc here to talk to, get scripts from, etc. Very hard, very discouraging, but just can't figure out how to get the treatments except in Bxls...