Just to add for general information, my migraines are a long issue for me, but the hearing is mostly new and rapid decline.
Migraines started in my teens, and my early 20's in uni, were getting much worse and constant. By then I noticed a pattern to them. They used to follow my periods. Hence why I called them menstrual migraines even though they didn't fit in that criteria exactly. In general menstral migraines occur just before or in day 1 or 2 of period. This wasn't the case for me, instead it was at the end, day after the period ended I got v severe and brutal migraines maybe 2 or 3 days long. Always like clockwork I could plot when migraines would occur, using 28 day cycle and add 5 or 6 days. So I was convinced they had to be involved with hormones havoc etc. Over the years, getting worse and worse. By 27 I returned to uni and I was constantly absent and missing assignment deadline dates and exams, clinical placement hours etc. Every single month, losing nearly a week, and the next month rolled again so fast.
Ironically enough I was only getting on top of getting this sorted about the time I got this other crazy sickness (M.E/Lyme?), I've been on hormonal pill and now I no longer getting periods, getting no migraines either. Or at least only one or two a year, for other reasons than hormonal. Beside migraines ruining my life, I always considered myself relatively healthy before, rarely getting flus/colds etc.
I don't know what triggered this illness over 2 yrs ago, I can understand a cause like virus some people have. But in the 6 months before it, my hormones/periods etc went even more haywire. They had always been a pattern and regular even if causing me grief, but in months before I got sick, periods were v late more like 30-35 day instead of always 28days, and now I was getting a migraine at start and end of period. So I was getting even more run down than usual. Rightly or wrongly I do blame this for causing my illness now. I gave KDM a document I made up detailing it all, made headings etc. One heading was possible causes of illness since this is still a mystery. I included hormonal upheavel in months prior and long history of it anyway as a reason, this was what he picked up on and commented that it was not hormonal at all, simply inflammation and something to do with prostaglandins that I need to further clarify with him.
So migraines been a long issue for me, and not necessarily a M.E symptom, but involved somehow maybe. I hope to find out.
As for the hearing issue. mostly new. I did have some tinnitus issues and slight loss in one ear for some years (24/25 yr old), but only barely and wasn't causing much issues except in busy loud environments. I didn't think too much about it as I assumed it was genetic, both an aunt and uncle have some hearing loss in one ear. Perhaps it has been gradually getting worse over years, but it is only in last year has rapidly declined and esp in few months run up to xmas. I can't hear anything now, I have severe hearing loss, can't understand tv without reading subtitles and don't want people talking to me cos too embarrassing asking over and over again to repeat it and still have no clue. Tomorrow I go to get hearing aids fitted, another 5 grand! (I need to win the lotto soon). KDM was convinced it was involved and I have since found out hearing loss is a symptom of Lyme too. Even my aunt and uncle in their 50's/60's hearing loss is nothing like compared to mine, it has stayed relatively mild or at least slightly increasing loss according to age. This time last year I still had a good ear, now my so called good ear is worse than my bad ear!!