My eyes


Senior Member
So I had a small red bull I actually felt decent energy wise it's been two years since I've had one and my eyes in the peripheral has this LSD like affect happening only in the right eye and I'm not feeling bad but it's like what's going on with my eyes ??


Senior Member
have you had this problems before or is it the first time?
is your vision blurred or what do you mean exactly?


Senior Member
I do see things moving in the background like HPPD but today it was as if I was doing shrooms or something. Haven't done drugs in over a year now. The vision is fine but it's a ridiculous amount of floaters and things moving almost like particles moving around in the background


Senior Member
Have you the urge to close your eye due to this? are they jumping? what about pressure behind the eyes ? Headaches? Funny enough I have also problems with my right eye but its more like bright flashes flickering.
I have no idea but if it last a few Days id go + see a Neuro.


Senior Member
Well they have trouble focusing not like because the vision is lost just like something in my eyes making them cause this . It's so hard to explain . I'm going to set something up because my brain definitely doesn't feel like it's working properly either


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
My mom had hallucinations after sedation in the hospital. About a year went by and she got them one more time--no sedation this time.
I kinda remember we were changing some things in her diet or supplements around that time but never figured out what caused it.

They say we store toxins in our fat that get released when we lose weight so I think it's probably possible to store residual chemicals in our brain from previous exposures as well. Maybe something triggered the release of those and caused the hallucination again.

A lot of amino acids act as neurotransmitters so maybe the taurine triggered something. Or maybe it was the glucuronolactone??

This article on Red Bull says of the ingredients:
Taurine: ...taurine is an antioxidant that helps to move minerals through the system and generate nerve impulses...
Glucuronolactone: ...glucuronolactone is a stimulant with mild anti-depressant effects that helps improve memory and concentration. It also has detoxifying qualities and can help remove waste from the body.
(or the brain?)

With ME/CFS though, it's anyone's guess. You'll find we often have unusual reactions to things that don't affect others.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Well they have trouble focusing not like because the vision is lost just like something in my eyes making them cause this . It's so hard to explain . I'm going to set something up because my brain definitely doesn't feel like it's working properly either

Like they're not tracking together??? Are the pupils both the same size? My left pupil gets bigger than my right one sometimes (even just slightly) and can trigger that feeling.


Northern USA
Northern USA
Has this same thing ever happened when not having had a red bull?
You think it is definitely a reaction to the red bull?
If so, then the effects should be wearing off or all done, by now, I would guess.

If you have a sudden, huge amount of tiny floaters, like showers of them,

or if it has not resolved, then I would call an eye doctor.

I am concerned for you, and i dont know if it needs quick attention or not.
It is good that you have not lost vision in the eye.

HAB, … Perhaps @YippeeKi YOW !! might have some other ideas/suggestions.

If you are seeing flashes of light from the corner of your eye, that are alomst like lightening bolts,
on and off, and especially in low light, then i would see an eye doctor. Especially if you are about 50 or over. That could be a retina issue, that is usually ok, but should be checked to be sure it isn't serious.

There is also a chance that some type of migraine is involved.
And of course, it could be the unknown neuro effects of CFS/ME, but i would not ignore an eye problem or assume it is "just part of our illness"
Nothing prevents us from having some other common eye problems.


Senior Member
Hope this problem solves itself out...
I told doctors several times,but they don't take it seriously,since my MRI looks more ore less normal.but meanwhile im also convinced its one of those weird symptoms of the ilness.I'm 32.


Senior Member
My mom had hallucinations after sedation in the hospital. About a year went by and she got them one more time--no sedation this time.
I kinda remember we were changing some things in her diet or supplements around that time but never figured out what caused it.

They say we store toxins in our fat that get released when we lose weight so I think it's probably possible to store residual chemicals in our brain from previous exposures as well. Maybe something triggered the release of those and caused the hallucination again.

A lot of amino acids act as neurotransmitters so maybe the taurine triggered something. Or maybe it was the glucuronolactone??

This article on Red Bull says of the ingredients:
Taurine: ...taurine is an antioxidant that helps to move minerals through the system and generate nerve impulses...
Glucuronolactone: ...glucuronolactone is a stimulant with mild anti-depressant effects that helps improve memory and concentration. It also has detoxifying qualities and can help remove waste from the body.
(or the brain?)

With ME/CFS though, it's anyone's guess. You'll find we often have unusual reactions to things that don't affect others.
That's interesting I thought energy drinks only had bad stuff in it. It went away with sleep last night but my eyes still have the floaters everywhere. That's been here for over a year now. Super sensitive to the sun even on cloudy days I have to wear sunglasses.
I'm not seeing flashes but it's like your peripherals are looking through a prism and have these weird effects on the other side of it. My doctor is going to book a neurologist appointment. But with CFS it's not like they can really do anything and if it's because I damaged my brain they still can't do anything. I'm really at a crossroads now.


Senior Member
Like they're not tracking together??? Are the pupils both the same size? My left pupil gets bigger than my right one sometimes (even just slightly) and can trigger that feeling.
I actually thought this was happening but my eyes move together perfectly but they don't for what they are tracking. It causes they random feeling when they "glitch out" for 1 millisecond of falling then gone. It happens about 20 times or.more through a 8 hour shift.


Senior Member
Has this same thing ever happened when not having had a red bull?
You think it is definitely a reaction to the red bull?
If so, then the effects should be wearing off or all done, by now, I would guess.

If you have a sudden, huge amount of tiny floaters, like showers of them,

or if it has not resolved, then I would call an eye doctor.

I am concerned for you, and i dont know if it needs quick attention or not.
It is good that you have not lost vision in the eye.

HAB, … Perhaps @YippeeKi YOW !! might have some other ideas/suggestions.

If you are seeing flashes of light from the corner of your eye, that are alomst like lightening bolts,
on and off, and especially in low light, then i would see an eye doctor. Especially if you are about 50 or over. That could be a retina issue, that is usually ok, but should be checked to be sure it isn't serious.

There is also a chance that some type of migraine is involved.
And of course, it could be the unknown neuro effects of CFS/ME, but i would not ignore an eye problem or assume it is "just part of our illness"
Nothing prevents us from having some other common eye problems.
Thank you for the concern this site does wonders when things are falling apart.
It's not retina detachment I've been able to cross that out but in still going to get them checked. First is a neurlogist though. I think I would be feeling Abit better if I only worked four shifts in a row instead of five but my loan that's in collections for 14 grand(paying off) has hindered my financial situation so I can't do that either. If this is what hell feels like then heavens going to feel real nice when I figure this out.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
my eyes move together perfectly

You didn't say if the pupils are even slightly different. The last eye doctor said to me that that means they are not working in tandem as they should. When I have that it feels like one eye is looking up slightly and one eye is looking down slightly. Don't ask me why.

There are actually Neuro-ophthalmologists so maybe you could get into one of those. Here's a website to do a state by state look up if you were interested in that.

peripherals are looking through a prism

There are actual prism glasses that they prescribe for people who have autism or autism spectrum. I think there is some overlap between that and ME/CFS. Dr Davis talks about autism sometimes. I do wonder if something didn't just get triggered in your brain. You maybe want to blame yourself but maybe it was there all along and things just woke it up.

(My last optometrist did prescribe those prism glasses for me but I never filled the prescription because the ophthalmologist before that tested me with them as well and they didn't seem to help.)

Also about triggers, like I said, I get some very strange brain type reactions even to things that "normal" people can take...even just supplements and vitamins. I have some of the hyper sensory states that autistic people have. I think a lot of us here do.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@HABS93 , @Shoshana
Just got this tag, and from HABS description, I can;t really hone in on anything worthwhile, beyond the fact that the combo and strength of the contents of energy drinks like Red Bull can do strange things to systems that are senstive or out of whack.

I think @Judee covered most of the bases, and HABS has set up an apptmnt to dig further, which is probably the bst way to go. No guarantees tho that HABS'll get a Dr who knows anything about either Red Bull or this illness and its effects.

Wish I had something to contribute. Hate to disappoint. @Shoshana, thank you for thinking of me.


Senior Member
@HABS93 , @Shoshana
Just got this tag, and from HABS description, I can;t really hone in on anything worthwhile, beyond the fact that the combo and strength of the contents of energy drinks like Red Bull can do strange things to systems that are senstive or out of whack.

I think @Judee covered most of the bases, and HABS has set up an apptmnt to dig further, which is probably the bst way to go. No guarantees tho that HABS'll get a Dr who knows anything about either Red Bull or this illness and its effects.

Wish I had something to contribute. Hate to disappoint. @Shoshana, thank you for thinking of me.
No way man I've learned alot from all of you. Whether it was the redbull or just something waking up I doubt it's anything we can find out. A couple of puffs from my weed pipe lately hasnt caused any bad reactions. My eyes use to glitch out when I did now I feel pretty decent. I try to go for a walk more then an hour at night through a trail by a river but the energy still drains and I have to sit for Abit. I keep trying to increase my walking time while stoned. The next day my symptom's aren't worse so have no idea what has changed recently but it's lightened up my mood for at work. The eyes the fatigue and brain fog are all connected though . My problem is being able to describe what's going on I still haven't pinpointed what's going on but one day with the help of everyone I will!