My constipation protocol


Senior Member
Sorry @SwanRonson got off topic there... Back to bowels... One probiotic that helped me a lot with constipation was s.boulardii for 3 months. Have you used that one?

I've heard that one recommended and I think it's fine since its a yeast that doesn't colonize. It's hard to find it alone though. If you can that's probably ok from what I understand. I haven't tried it personally though.


Senior Member
I wonder if you've tried neomycin. I've read that it's usually prescribed along with rifaximin for SIBO with constipation. I tried some neomycin alone, and it really worked against constipation. I also found that a really low dose of metronidazole worked well.

I tried many other means of dealing with SIBO/ constipation, the antibiotics, low FODMAPS, and other dietary limitations have worked the best. ( I also supplement with potassium - good for regularity)

btw, I've been giving my cats some aloe vera juice. ( recommended for kidney problems) They are pooping like champs!)

Yes i will do the xifaxamin + neomycin combo treatment next if I relapse. The combo is very successful (85% success) versus either Xifaxan or neomycin alone.

The reason I didn't take the neomycin last time is the scary side effects like deafness. But I think I understand now that that only applies when neomycin is applied to the peritoneal cavity. Supposedly when taken orally it stays in the g.i. Tract like xifaxin does and very little gets absorbed in the blood.

Interesting about the potassium. I put some potassium glauconate in my smoothies. Guess I'll keep doing that.


Senior Member
@SwanRonson thanks for starting this thread very timely for me.
did your doc prescribe the xifaxan, what was the dose? if not where did you get it?
This current episode started after IV abx treatment for Lyme, was taking probiotics and had
more regular BM than I've ever had, since then sick stomach symptoms and feeling really ill, unable to tolerate masses of food stuff again, when on the abx I was eating food I hadn't eaten for years (such as sweetcorn, squash etc.), drinking masses of mineral water, but something as simple as an enema wipes me out, showing my electrolytes are not balanced.. So the SIBO - leaky gut/too much water all fits.
I had xifaxan prescribed a few years ago and was much better that year looking back.
Are you feeling better in yourself for having sorted this problem out?
Just to add, I'm already gluten, sugar, dairy, legume free, and have been for years.

I did a 14 day course of Xifaxan 550 mg. I took one tablet in the morning and one at night. Some docs prescribe it 3 times per day instead. The downside to it is that it's VERY expensive if insurance doesn't cover. We're talking $700 for a bottle. My naturopath md prescribed it for me upon my request.

Yes I feel much much better. Being regular makes everything else so much easier. You don't have to sit and stare at everything your about to put in your mouth as a risk / reward calculation.

If antibiotics helped you that much you could probably stay on a long term herbal antibiotic program after finishing the xifaxan+neomycin like low dose berberine with lactoferrin. Might want to do some research and see what you come up with.


Senior Member
One probiotic that helped me a lot with constipation was s.boulardii for 3 months.
I have tried it several times.
  • Taking it everyday at bed time
  • Taking it every other day at bed time
  • Taking it alternating with other probiotics: boulardii, skip a day, other prob, skip a day, boulardii etc
Every time boulardii worked only in the first day. Other probs more or less work in the same pattern. And all of them will cause insomnia (wake up at 4 AM).


Senior Member
Swan thanks again and if I could ask a couple of questions.
I'm pretty sure my issue is SIBO, but have you heard of symptoms like painful lymph nodes in the neck, or
swollen salivary glands under jaw line and chest pain from digestion as common problems for SIBO?


Senior Member
Swan thanks again and if I could ask a couple of questions.
I'm pretty sure my issue is SIBO, but have you heard of symptoms like painful lymph nodes in the neck, or
swollen salivary glands under jaw line and chest pain from digestion as common problems for SIBO?

I haven't, but it'd be really hard to rule that stuff out if the SIBO is severe. Once it gets severe enough to cause malnutrition (it did in my case) it can cause all kinds of crazy symptoms secondarily. That being said, I'd look elsewhere first for an explanation to those symptoms while concurrently treating the SIBO. And if treating the SIBO gets rid of those then it's a win/win. If not, at least you didn't waste your time putting all eggs in one basket. Good luck.
mutaflor is a probiotic that is specifically indicated for constipation. I agree with mr.swanson in that most probiotics only make it worse but this one has actually greatly helped my constipation. It is much different than other probiotics and is actually a strain of e.coli. I think it is worth looking into for those interested


Senior Member
mutaflor is a probiotic that is specifically indicated for constipation. I agree with mr.swanson in that most probiotics only make it worse but this one has actually greatly helped my constipation. It is much different than other probiotics and is actually a strain of e.coli. I think it is worth looking into for those interested

Is that prescription only?