I believe so, too. In my case, I have slightly elevated EBV-EA (above norm), but I suspect my illness may be caused by HSV-1 (super high IgG titer of 1:32,000). I also don't have all the symptoms Dr Lerner mentions, e.g. I don't have tachycardia at rest, I have bradycardia (57 bpm, Holter monitor going down as far as 40 bpm during the night). That's what professional bikers have, LOL.
May I ask if you tried antiviral medications (e.g. Valacyclovir) in addition to the natural remedies?
@Tammy it would be wise to look for other herpes family viruses, as different things might work.
I've been on Samento, Banderol, Berberine, and Burbur, in addition to high dose vitamin C and artesunate IVs and artemisinin suppositories. And methylation, amino acid, and mitochondrial nutrient protocols And a bunch of Th1/Th2 shifting stuff. And UVBI and HBOT.
All of this has kept me functioning, but it hasn't cured me. I'm sleeping less, have less brain fog, better cognitive function, but I still crash, have PEM, and function at 60% of normal.
@Tammy, I think that my previously hidden EBV is a huge problem, as well as chlamydia pneumoniae, a nasty bug that sucks up massive quantities of B12 and B6.
Its become clear that bigger guns are necessary. I started on valganciclovir and an getting IV doxycycline/rifampin/azithromycin and will be getting IVIG as soon as its approved. My doctor dropped the botanicals and is keeping me on the nutrients to support and repair mitochondria.