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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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My cfs/me history


Senior Member
So I just want to gather some general information from everyone, if you all are willing. Please answer these questions, for comparison purposes :

1. What year did you get sick? Was it sudden or gradual?
2. Trigger?
3. Does yours go in remission and relapse? Or, does it gradually get worse or gradually better over time? Or just plain stable?
4. Do you have pots or nmh with yours?
5. Treatment that helped? Treatment that made you worse?
6. Your doctor? Or are you self treating?

I'll also post my answers below...


Senior Member
1. September 2012, sudden

2. DTAP vaccine

3. Remission while pregnant. Relapsed in November 2014. Have gotten somewhat better but still cannot sustain activity or I crash. My POTS is constant. Now with food allergirs coming out for the last 2 months, worse around menstrual cycles.

4. Definitely Pots, as stated

5. Large doses of vitamin c and take 2 neuroprotek a day and it helps energy and less rashes. Malic acid seems to help my leg pain, but haven't taken it in a while. I need to again. All of this is not cheap!

Dhea made me initially improved and then worse. Although I do want to try it again or a precursor. This time with an endocrinologist or cfs me expert if I can find one in the midwest.

6. Obviously self treating.


Senior Member
@sillysocks84...Interesting. "Remission while pregnant". "Worse around menstrual cycle."

Have you ever done a thorough hormone panel? Like 24-hour saliva, plus complete thyroid work-up, stuff like that?

Do you have fibroids or endometriosis?


Senior Member
@sillysocks84...Interesting. "Remission while pregnant". "Worse around menstrual cycle."

Have you ever done a thorough hormone panel? Like 24-hour saliva, plus complete thyroid work-up, stuff like that?

Do you have fibroids or endometriosis?
I haven't had a 24 hr saliva. I had a blood test where my gyno said thyroid was ruled out. I don't know if I needed anything extra. I do have preceding pcos caused by insulin resistance. My dhea levels are lower than normal. But my gyno said my hormones are in normal range except that one. So I'm not sure how to proceed even though I think mine is brought on by hormones and or insulin resistance. But my doctor said I don't have diabetes.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
1. What year did you get sick? Was it sudden or gradual?
2003. Chronically fatigued since virus 4 years earlier; Collapsed in European heat wave, the beginning.
2. Trigger?
Inescapable heat + physical and emotional stress

3. Does yours go in remission and relapse? Or, does it gradually get worse or gradually better over time? Or just plain stable?
For the past 3.5 years I've been improving. I have now stabilized, with virtually no noxious symptoms, but very affected mental and physical energy.

4. Do you have pots or nmh with yours?
OI, maybe POTS, until I had enough B12

5. Treatment that helped? Treatment that made you worse?
Made worse by Teitelbaum's recommendations of things for energizing a fatigued system.
Made better by correct vitamins, minerals, EFAs, diet, detox (elimination of metals, fungus, bacteria, parasites)

6. Your doctor? Or are you self treating?