My Airbnb Situation..

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I am only one more guest away from superhost status, so we shall see. I have 5 stars from everyone.


Senior Member
I have no idea how to get super host status. How is that done? I do this part time, not full time.

Most do it part time. Search for it on the airbnb site. --- more requirements than this, but basically you need 10 reviews in a 3 month period and 80% of those reviews must be 5 stars. Reviews can make or break your business - start out slow, do your best to get great reviews, learn the ins/outs of airbnb while your building your reputation. The airbnb community forum, if you have not visited it, is worth visiting - you can learn a lot by reading the forum for hosts.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Well, he just came home and told me he had a nice visit. So, I didn't get into it with him. I am in my room and he is in his and he leaves at either 4 or 5 am. He's a nice guy, just awkward and I am not into overly brazen men in my spot.

Thanks, Guys! Here's hoping!


Senior Member
I might be a grumpy old woman but what effing business is it of his what you do with your life? And btw, old man, hell yes that's what I do. Now kindly piss off.

@Mary Poppins Thanks for making me laugh, and I agree with every word you just said. Best quote of the day.

Ginger, it's done on airbnb..the site. Everyone is legitimate.. meaning, they are all verified, provide drivers ID's etc. I also make sure they have reviews from past experiences.

I just sent you an e-mail re: my thoughts and ideas on this whole topic, and feel protective of you and just want you to be careful. I didn't want to type too much here and tie up your thread!


Senior Member
@JohnnyD -
how does this sound?

"I work from home and I am available if you need any questions answered. If I am not around, my cell phone is always on hand. For men who decide to stay at my space, please note that I am in a relationship and this is a business transaction of me hosting. I do not wish for flirting, anyone telling me I am attractive, or hanging out. I do my thing and you do yours. I have had many men stay here who are flirty and to be honest, strange. I will not tolerate that at all and I don't want to hear about your unhappy marriage, divorces or how you are unhappy in your current relationship. Feel free to stay with me if you need a place to sleep, shower, etc and some guidance with where to eat, but do not stay here with the thought that I am here for you to talk to (regularly) and hang out with. I work and as I said, have a boyfriend."

Not necessary. Get this, apply it, and after they introduce themselves, smile and say "Pleased to meet you!"

Problem solved.


Senior Member
Southeast U.S.
You don't have to go that far--eeek!
I believe some of these things can be helped tremendously by not being so helpful and friendly--really!

In my own interactions I learned that being my "normal" self can be seen by others as being really, really, really interested in learning everything about them!

I am interested in people in general. I observe, read, talk about and with them.
I am an extrovert--ENFP :cool:
I have them tell me they haven't have sex with their husband in three years, that they are having an affair but don't know how to tell husband (childhood sweetheart), want to have more interesting sexual experiences, etc. when I came to their home to deliver soup from church!
And more and more!

Without having met you, MisFit, I think your gregarious personality, kindness and charm may give a vibe of "you are really neat", you are so special, I want to be your friend, maybe
"Hello, glad to have you here, etc. I am retiring to my personal space. Call me if you need/want anything related to this business agreement we have only if an appendage gets stuck in the bathroom drain or the toilet, if there is a fire, etc. This has worked for me. (I am saying I am friendly, kind, etc!)
Yes, you will have to refrain from enjoying some of the benefits of privacy--watching TV at certain times, using the bathroom or kitchen at certain times, etc.
You just will have to keep some (most) of your friendliness, kindness and charm underwraps and save it for us!
Stop it!
I wouldn't admit to sleeping a lot. I would say that you do work that requires some quiet and concentration, like transcription work or studying. Transcription can be a reason for needing to work at odd hours too, because sometimes they have rush work, or people who study sometimes do it all the time.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Okay, guys..I am not sure about the airbnb thing unless I say only women on my airbnb profile. This guy that's been here this whole week..5 nights. He asked if he could stay one more night-he has been great....until tonight. Firstly, I laid it out for him flirting, leave me alone...etc. He was fine with it.

The second night of him being here I was watching a thriller on TV and he came in. I told him that I love thrillers. His response..."So do I." So, he sits down and wants to chat and see if I am open minded to the idea of theology. I have no idea what that is. We began talking and I find him rather kind and nice.

I had to clean out my mom's place this week. I told him that. I was very emotional the first day that I cleaned out her place and I had let him know that was a possibility. he was fine with it. I am trying to do my own thing..he is gone all day.

Tonight, the last night of him staying here, he says to me..."MT, I have to say this...I feel like you are a gold coin that I can't pass by. I have to pick up that gold coin, or at least try. I have never met anyone like you before. I have to have you as a friend. He then says, who knows, maybe one day we will go to Hawaii together. I truly believe we met for a reason, there are no coincidences."

I was doing fine, feeling okay with him here, sleeping GREAT. It's now almost 3 am, this is his last night and I am nervous. WTF. Seriously. I even said to him didn't you get the whole no flirting with me? I don't want to be flirted with. "I know, I know, but I have to tell you because you are a gold coin." ????

As this is going on, there appears to be a leak in the air mattress as he keeps having to blow it up.

I don't know what to do. He gave me $50 to spend the night tonight in cash. I will make about $265 in the first week of this month. But do I do this?

I have 700 square feet. This is too small a space and the guys...every single one of them accept for 2 has hit on me. I can only have women stay here. This can't work this way and I can't keep doing this. It's making me uncomfortable and unnerved in my own home.

I don't know whether to get a new air mattress or not. I liked this guy and found him interesting at first. No attraction. He doesn't take care of himself and drinks. But I enjoyed his company and hearing about what he is doing here...but this...this freaking flirting in my home. NO.
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Senior Member
I was doing fine, feeling okay with him here, sleeping GREAT. It's now almost 3 am, this is his last night and I am nervous. WTF. Seriously. I even said to him didn't you get the whole no flirting with me? I don't want to be flirted with. "I know, I know, but I have to tell you because you are a gold coin." ????

Pick a reply:

"Aww, that means a lot, coming from a wooden nickel."
"You mean it? That's the sweetest thing anyone's told me since I got hepatitis C."
"I thought I told you I don't like it when you flirt. And neither will my girlfriend when she gets back from the shooting range."

Seriously, I'd tell him flat out that you appreciate the compliment, but you have serious health problems that consume all your energy. Or something like that.

I don't know what to do. He gave me $50 to spend the night tonight in cash. I will make about $250 in the first week of this month. But do I do this?

I have 700 square feet. This is too small a space and the guys...every single one of them accept for 2 has hit on me. I can only think to only have women. This can't work this way and I can't keep doing this. it's making me uncomfortable.

I don't know whether to get a new air mattress or not. I liked this guy and found him interesting at first. No attraction. He doesn't take care of himself and drinks. But I enjoyed his company and hearing about what he is doing here...but this...this freaking flirting in my home. NO.

I'd tell him what you've told us. "I said no flirting, and I meant no flirting. Thank you for your business."

If he persists, then ask him if he damaged the mattress. After all, it was fine before his stay. I wouldn't worry at all about any review he might leave...

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@dannybex -you are it. He is leaving early in the AM.
Aww, that means a lot, coming from a wooden nickel."
"You mean it? That's the sweetest thing anyone's told me since I got hepatitis C."
"I thought I told you I don't like it when you flirt. And neither will my girlfriend when she gets back from the shooting range."

HA HA HA....!!! I love it.

Well, I just changed my airbnb to saying women only due to shared spaces. I hope I get customers. It's been all men since October. I have a woman coming on the 2nd. I just ordered a new air mattress. $55 from amazon. Actually, I think the last guest had a problem with it, too. He was huge. Very big Santa Clause big. This guy is another one. Flirting with me while his big pot belly is exposed and his shirt is running up his gut. LOL....

All I kept thinking is...if this is what it's come to at 47 years of age, I will never have sex again, clearly. Pot bellies, burps, seriously......does he not think to himself that he needs to buck up. He asked me at one point, "Appearance matters to you?" UH...YEAH..doesn't it matter to most. I mean, all of these guys keep hitting on me. I am sure it's not because I tell them I have an auto immune condition and my mom just died and I am forlorn. Sigh...

Just ordered a new air mattress for $55. I think this has been an issue for a bit. The last guy had this issue too, but he was a big guy and this guy is even bigger, but I don't think it should be happening.
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Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Women only is the solution to these problems.

It is officially only women. No more men. I am done and it's so wrong that in my own home they are hitting on me. Yes, we talked last night..we laughed, but no hitting on me. It's too small a space for me to just hang out with them, etc. I am not intentionally hanging out with them, but there is no privacy in 700 square feet. I can hear everything..snoring, etc.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I have them tell me they haven't have sex with their husband in three years, that they are having an affair but don't know how to tell husband (childhood sweetheart), want to have more interesting sexual experiences, etc. when I came to their home to deliver soup from church!

Is this with airbnb? Do you do airbnb hosting, too? Gosh, if someone told me that I would barf. Seriously, that is way too much info and that would be too much to handle. I honestly think from these experiences, one could become jaded. I mean, I look at men like....??? But, I think most men..sane ones who are happily married are staying in a hotel. Oh, and on the internet looking up porn! Hey, just don't tell me about it.

This guy left a million tissues in the trashcan in his bedroom every night. WHAT FOR? I don't know...I don't want to know. I mean a box of tissues. I never heard him blow his nose. The room is right across from mine. I know that sounds sick, but it's a whole lot of weird.

FEMALES ONLY. Done...did it and hopefully it will work. Taking a break soon from airbnb so I can regroup.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I wanted to give an update. I think I am going to stop doing this. This whole year I have been very sick. I had a guest supposedly coming this weekend and I had to cancel it. airbnb wanted to charge me $100 for the cancellation. I called them and fought it. I have a migraine and some sort of inflammation going on with my immune system.

I am not truly enjoying this anymore as I don't like people in my home. Even women. It would be okay if I was feeling better but I am not.

I posted about having a chronic illness on the airbnb help site and another host wrote that it may not be a good idea for me to do this as I am not well and the person is staying in my home. I agree.

I am not making a lot of money with this. $100 here and there.

For some reason I am bummed. I just feel like I am not succeeding at anything right now.
Just read most of this thread as I'm looking at ways of generating income and am lucky enough to have a property but it's mostly just confirmed my thoughts and past reading. I'm not female, so fending off unwanted advances from men in my own home won't be a problem.But frankly, I had to fight too long for my own space to share it with strangers and it's worse when you have to factor all the ways that they could take advantage, especially for any PWC that has brainfog, no matter how "verified" they are.

I think there's a real gap in the market for PWC who can pay and need accommodation to hook up with those PWC who are in position to offer it.

Hope you're feeling better Misfit Toy and maybe you're ready to have another go with female only guests at some point.