Hi all,
I've been living with ME symptoms for just over a year now. I am lucky enough to have had my fatigue symptoms subside slowly but entirely after removing myself from the environment which I am convinced is responsible for the onset of my illness in the first place. Having spent much time on this forum reading other people's posts, I understand the potential severity of this illness and am very grateful that for whatever reason, the reoccurring and devastating episodes of fatigue seem to have stopped.
Incensed by my illness, I have done lots of research and tried lots of different things to mitigate some of the more debilitating symptoms. Most of the research i've done has led nowhere, and there is no panacea I can offer to anyone regarding any of hte symptoms.
As someone who greatly values meditation and bodily awareness, one of the most devastating symptoms for me has been a persistent air hunger - otherwise known as dyspnea. I have seen doctors about this and had my lung functioning tested, and have been prescribed antacids for what was believed to be GERD. The theory was that the excess stomach acid was somehow oxidizing and damaging my aero-digestive tract, thus leading to the air hunger. Sadly, no dose of antacids would work to alleviate my air hunger, and my appetite and digestion both suffered simultaneously.
Recently, I came across a post on a website talking about treating acid reflux with a supplement known as Betaine HCL. The theory was that acid reflux resulted not from an excess of acid production, but a general paucity. The post described how blood cells in the respiratory tract could stack in what is supposedly called the "rouleaux formation". This results from an absence of certain compounds necessary for digesting proteins, if i'm not mistaken. My dim awareness of the science notwithstanding, I am pleased to report that in less than a week of self-medicating with Betaine HCL, a cheap probiotic complex, and some standard digestive enzymes, my breathing capacity has improved (i'm guessing) 60-70%. Simultaneously, my appetite has improved tremendously and I am now confident that I will be able to eat enough calories to build muscle (concomitant with a rigorous work-out schedule, of course).
I wanted to share this information as soon as possible for those of you who are suffering from air hunger. In my experience, it was a very upsetting and distressing symptom. I still remember the first morning in which i experienced air hunger, and the fear and anxiety that wracked me as a result of not being able to breathe properly. I would wake up many mornings and notice immediately my inability to get a full breath, and it would put me in a very negative space of mind.
The supplements combination I found to have worked for me is as follows:
Life Extension Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes
Healthy Origins Probiotic 30 billion CFU
Now Foods Betaine HCL 648mg
I personally believe it would be fine to substitute another brand for any of these three supplements - I just happened to pick the cheapest ones I could find. I gladly encourage individuals to *carefully* experiment with these supplements and see if they notice any improvement.
I take one cap of betaine once in the morning, once before every meal, and once before I go to sleep.
I take two caps of the super digestive enzymes before every meal, with the betaine hcl.
I take one cap of the probiotics before lunch and dinner (when I eat the most) with the betaine hcl and super digestive enzymes, and once at night before I go to sleep with the betaine hcl.
I really hope that this helps somebody out there. My only interest in typing up this admittedly lengthy post is to provide some information that might help someone suffering from air hunger. If you do try this out, I hope it helps with your symptom as it did with mine.
best of luck!
I've been living with ME symptoms for just over a year now. I am lucky enough to have had my fatigue symptoms subside slowly but entirely after removing myself from the environment which I am convinced is responsible for the onset of my illness in the first place. Having spent much time on this forum reading other people's posts, I understand the potential severity of this illness and am very grateful that for whatever reason, the reoccurring and devastating episodes of fatigue seem to have stopped.
Incensed by my illness, I have done lots of research and tried lots of different things to mitigate some of the more debilitating symptoms. Most of the research i've done has led nowhere, and there is no panacea I can offer to anyone regarding any of hte symptoms.
As someone who greatly values meditation and bodily awareness, one of the most devastating symptoms for me has been a persistent air hunger - otherwise known as dyspnea. I have seen doctors about this and had my lung functioning tested, and have been prescribed antacids for what was believed to be GERD. The theory was that the excess stomach acid was somehow oxidizing and damaging my aero-digestive tract, thus leading to the air hunger. Sadly, no dose of antacids would work to alleviate my air hunger, and my appetite and digestion both suffered simultaneously.
Recently, I came across a post on a website talking about treating acid reflux with a supplement known as Betaine HCL. The theory was that acid reflux resulted not from an excess of acid production, but a general paucity. The post described how blood cells in the respiratory tract could stack in what is supposedly called the "rouleaux formation". This results from an absence of certain compounds necessary for digesting proteins, if i'm not mistaken. My dim awareness of the science notwithstanding, I am pleased to report that in less than a week of self-medicating with Betaine HCL, a cheap probiotic complex, and some standard digestive enzymes, my breathing capacity has improved (i'm guessing) 60-70%. Simultaneously, my appetite has improved tremendously and I am now confident that I will be able to eat enough calories to build muscle (concomitant with a rigorous work-out schedule, of course).
I wanted to share this information as soon as possible for those of you who are suffering from air hunger. In my experience, it was a very upsetting and distressing symptom. I still remember the first morning in which i experienced air hunger, and the fear and anxiety that wracked me as a result of not being able to breathe properly. I would wake up many mornings and notice immediately my inability to get a full breath, and it would put me in a very negative space of mind.
The supplements combination I found to have worked for me is as follows:
Life Extension Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes
Healthy Origins Probiotic 30 billion CFU
Now Foods Betaine HCL 648mg
I personally believe it would be fine to substitute another brand for any of these three supplements - I just happened to pick the cheapest ones I could find. I gladly encourage individuals to *carefully* experiment with these supplements and see if they notice any improvement.
I take one cap of betaine once in the morning, once before every meal, and once before I go to sleep.
I take two caps of the super digestive enzymes before every meal, with the betaine hcl.
I take one cap of the probiotics before lunch and dinner (when I eat the most) with the betaine hcl and super digestive enzymes, and once at night before I go to sleep with the betaine hcl.
I really hope that this helps somebody out there. My only interest in typing up this admittedly lengthy post is to provide some information that might help someone suffering from air hunger. If you do try this out, I hope it helps with your symptom as it did with mine.
best of luck!