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Muscle loss


Senior Member
YES! I've been on the thinner side my whole life as well as had gut issues which didn't help, but I had muscle because I was able to lift weights.

I've lost around 25 pounds in the 4 years being sick w ME. Most of it in muscle and a little fat. It's horrible. It won't really stop. It's probably due to a multitude of things as this illness itself to be the result of a multitude of things.

I'm nearly 6 feet tall and I weigh about 130 pounds with clothes on. No shoes.

I always hear about weight gain in ME from others but rarely on severe weight loss.


Senior Member
YES! I've been on the thinner side my whole life as well as had gut issues which didn't help, but I had muscle because I was able to lift weights.

I've lost around 25 pounds in the 4 years being sick w ME. Most of it in muscle and a little fat. It's horrible. It won't really stop. It's probably due to a multitude of things as this illness itself to be the result of a multitude of things.

I'm nearly 6 feet tall and I weigh about 130 pounds with clothes on. No shoes.

I always hear about weight gain in ME from others but rarely on severe weight loss.
I think weight loss occur at later stages.


Senior Member
New Mexico
thanks/ what do you think caused it? or how did you recover? thanks.
Cindi...............I could only speculate as to what caused it..............as Thomas said it can be a whole multitude of things as a result of this illness. The weight came back on gradually and I no longer have muscle atrophy although I still have some muscle weakness. It's been some time but I think taking amino acids helped some. I've taken so many things over the years it's hard to say. Weight/muscle gain or loss can occur at any stage due to the unpredictable nature of CFS.


Senior Member
southeast US

"Huh?" Kinda funny way you said it, but I got it, a bit scary hearing that. Don't think you need worry in that extreme, though, I've had ME thirty years, and same thing, dropped weight right from beginning. Our heights are similar and my best weight was always around 160, now just under 150 and doing best I can to hold on to that, It's a battle.

Don't know if applies to you, but some things helped me in past were: copper and zinc, especially cu, hard to keep balanced though, tricky for me; then there's baking soda, threads about it here you can read if not already seen; gcmaf really helped to regain muscle, and thus weight; Buenos Aires, lol, I go there about once a year, like clockwork gain about 7 or 8 pounds in month's time and that's with plenty of exercise via walking everywhere, not unusual to walk 40-50 blocks a day. Maybe I absorb their food better, can't really say what it is. And then I think Dr. Wilson's Adrenal Rebuilder has helped, too, to keep muscle, though depending on your situation it could backfire on you.

If I think of something else, will let you know. Good luck, I know what you're going through. Oh, guess I didn't mention, I, too, went down to about 130, timeframe about the same and slow climb back to 150 range.


Senior Member
@Lou thank you for that. It's reassuring. Sorry to hear how long you've been sick! I read your profile and noticed you were part of the original Incline Village outbreak -- that must have been a crazy time! But I'm glad to hear you've improved enough to travel and walk such long distances. Perhaps the nice climate in Buenos Is helping.
I guess as part of the original incline outbreak you never got to try Ampligen -- shame it's so expensive. I heard a lot of people who did it with Peterson really improved for a long time?

I'm 4 years in - got sick at 32 and now need help with daily activities. But I hope eventually my 4 year slow decline to this point will turn around soon. I've already done gcmaf and I do take zinc/copper intermittently. Also playing around with various meds here and there. So far no magic bullet! Thx again for chiming in!