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Mucus production?


Senior Member
Hello everyone,

Just curious I have been having lots of mucus in throat and nostrils despite the warm weather down here in South Florida.Despite being on the beach or in a forest
It has been going on for a couple of months.Ent doc found inflammmed nostrils.Keep coming back negative for covid

Immunology at klimas' group showed low nk cell function/count.I have been taking imunovir which is supposed to help a with herpetic family infections and nk and sometimes ldn with it but still seem to be inflammed.Im not sure if this is a virus or reaction to outdoor mold/some mystery toxin?

Thank You

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Your not near here, correct?

simply Googling the topic, my laptop reports:

Why is South Florida water Toxic?

TAMPA, Fla. - Florida has a pollution crisis that has fouled up its fresh waterways for years. ... The polluted water feeds massive blooms of cyanobacteria that infest Lake Okeechobee and emit cyanotoxins, which are some of the most potent natural poisons on Earth.Dec 22, 2021


Senior Member
Your not near here, correct?

simply Googling the topic, my laptop reports:

Why is South Florida water Toxic?

TAMPA, Fla. - Florida has a pollution crisis that has fouled up its fresh waterways for years. ... The polluted water feeds massive blooms of cyanobacteria that infest Lake Okeechobee and emit cyanotoxins, which are some of the most potent natural poisons on Earth.Dec 22, 2021

Thanks for this I'm in Naples


Senior Member
Hi.....You sound like a victim of what so many of us have: allergies. Have you tried an antihistamine of any sort?

Since allergies can be triggered by so many things, it's very hard to figure out exactly what your major problem is (and then there are minor ones). We tend to develop them more easily as we age, a new area can give us respite for 2 years, but then they're present again....and it seems to be a very common fact of life today.

You can buy OTC sprays and would suggest that you talk to a pharmacist him/herself. It takes about a week or just over to build up immunity. We have allergies almost year round in the part of TX I'm in....just a pest on top
of everything else.

Yours, Lenora.
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