Moonchild...glad to hear to came through it like a champ! Yep, just laying in one place, very still, for so long can wreck your muscles for days afterward (not to mention what the tension will do!). Let us know when you get your results.
Mithriel...I was older when I had my first two neurological symptoms (47). My "viral cfs onset" (the real start of fatigue, swollen glands, sick,sick,sick!) didn't occur until my early 50's.
My neuro stuff PRECEDED the "viral"....(I would catch the worst colds, flus every year UNTIL me/cfs!..then no more!)
In fact, I'd been having difficulty holding my paintbrush steady for some time and it was affecting my work, increasing numbness in my hands (often unknowingly cutting /burning my fingers) and I had several episodes where I lost color vision (later dx as Optical migraines) but I was too scared to go to a doctor (I was later dx'd with "intention tremors").
What sent me in, soon after, was T.N. I THOUGHT I was having some sort of dental crisis so I went to my dentist who was shocked to dx me with Trigeminal Neuralgia (I was his first "real" case!). His logical conclusion was the start of a demylinating disease so HE got me into a Neuro....started Carbemazipine, later Neurontin.
That got the ball rolling, clinical tests showed decreased pinprick sensations in a classic glove and stocking pattern, hyperreflexia ("worrisome" in his opinion), positive hoffmans, pos. Rombergs, BUT MRI only showed 2 small lesions (not enough in his opinion), BAER (normal range), Lumbar Puncture (within normal range) EMG's etc., further tests indicated c-fiber polyneuropathy and asymmetrical myelopathy, but no explanation why (which he said DIDN'T support an MS dx). There was some talk of a "Motor Neuron Disease" at that point, but then I got a letter in the mail (NOT even a phone call!) saying "I DID NOT have evidence of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, at this time"! (HMO's!
The strange thing is that once or twice a year (for 12 years - one period 4 years ago - lasted for 5-6 months) I have exacerbations of terrible nerve pain in feet and legs (and my muscles painfully contract and stay that way!, and the pain in my feet feel like I'm walking on broken brokes!?) When I do complain, my doctor says I'm not getting progressively worse (so no MS, only me/cfs)...and mentions my age (59)!
When I asked why I have to see him every 3 months (for 12 yrs now) he says he's "monitoring" me. BTW...I've had Cervical and Lumbar MRI'S (for back pain) and they just show some disc degeneration. Again, with an one is ever going to dx me with MS (and I've never been offered any treatment, although this neuro started me (4 years ago) on long term antivirals as that was what his I.D. colleague was using....and I eventually became HIS patient, too! At least I'm getting treatment for something.
My cog/memory probs are severe enough that my neuro dx MCI last year (wanted me to start aricept/amenda) but my probs were so erratic (up and down, appointment to appointment) and I showed him stats on cfs=cog/memory and he reversed his decision - twice! So now I DON'T have MCI. He does say time for another MRI this year.
What I'm MOST curious about - is that "possible MS" STILL in my Medical Records? (must remember to ask someday)
Thats MY LONG story!...........jackie:Retro smile:
ps Moonchild...LP stands for Lumbar Puncture (or Spinal Tap)...not used that often, anymore, I think. And isn't as big a deal (if done correctly) as I made it seem...sorry...Not to worry!)
oops! just saw you, Flex! YES! That's exactly the "feeling" I got...crummy MRI's "normal" as one gets older!? ha! funny! i was going to comment on something else you said...but I can't remember what it was from 2 seconds ago! yikes!