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Mouth issue. Can anyone tell me what this is


Senior Member
Sth Australia
After a visit from my boyfriend yesterday which always ends up leaving me with various post excertional symptoms the next day.... this time I not only have the sore throat I often get but also spots in my mouth.

Anyone tell me what they are? canker sores or something else? they dont fit the description of canker sores that Ive been reading. Also a medical site said you dont get canker sores on the hard palate. I think I can remember also getting this symptom too in the past. I may have more of these deep within my throat as it hurts all the way down to the collar bone on one side of it.


I dont know if its connected or not to the mouth outbreak but during this week Ive had two strange spots on my body in other places too.. I had what looked like an ulcer on my chest, a sore developed there... and also I had another one (I cant remember now where.. it may of been on either my arm or leg).


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
After a visit from my boyfriend yesterday which always ends up leaving me with various post excertional symptoms the next day.... this time I not only have the sore throat I often get but also spots in my mouth.

Anyone tell me what they are? canker sores or something else? they dont fit the description of canker sores that Ive been reading. Also a medical site said you dont get canker sores on the hard palate. I think I can remember also getting this symptom too in the past. I may have more of these deep within my throat as it hurts all the way down to the collar bone on one side of it.


I dont know if its connected or not to the mouth outbreak but during this week Ive had two strange spots on my body in other places too.. I had what looked like an ulcer on my chest, a sore developed there... and also I had another one (I cant remember now where.. it may of been on either my arm or leg).

Sore throat after a visit from your boyfriend - well I guess that is self explanatory :D

Sorry Tania, couldn't resist. Seriously though, I get sore throats after exertion, particularly the next morning, that last for a couple of hours. Someone told me this could be post nasal drip. But I guess your immune system has been challenged by the exertion or stress of the visit and this could have amplified a chronic strep virus. I also get sore spots occasionally. These may also be due to vitamin deficiencies.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
They don't look like canker sores (mouth ulcers) in my opinion.

Have you ever been evaluated for oral herpes? A course of Valtrex can help, if that is the case. Stress/tiredness can bring on an outbreak.


Senior Member
hello, ive had white pus looking pockets or spots...and it was strep..but i knew someone else who had withe spots and told it was yeast or thrush i think it was called..

i hope you are feeling better...i constantly have a sore throat becuase of the fibro/cfs but sometiems its worse than other times...
Riboflavin deficiency: mucocutaneous signs of acute and chronic deficiency. Semin Dermatol. 1991 Dec;10(4):293-5.

Mucocutaneous lesions are present in both acute and chronic riboflavin deficiency. The distribution of the lesions varies with the age and gender of the patient. Lesions of acute riboflavin deficiency are similar to those observed in protein-energy malnutrition of the kwashiorkor type. In chronic riboflavin deficiency the cutaneous lesions resemble monilial intertrigo (affects flexures, particularly under breasts, the perineum which is the area between the anus and the scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vulva in the female, the groins and the natal cleft and the axillae which is the armpit or underarm area. The typical lesions consist of moist, smooth, red patches with overhanging edges of white, sodden epidermis.) and the mucous membrane lesions include a characteristic glossitis. Prompt resolution of lesions after therapeutic doses of the vitamin are given confirms the diagnosis. Biochemical changes caused by riboflavin deficiency, which explain the dermatoses and mucous membrane lesions, have not as yet been determined. Lack of information in this area is explained by the difficulty of separating cutaneous changes caused by the deficiency from those caused by trauma or other proximate etiologic agents.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
thanks for the posts all

thanks dogperson for that interesting info.

I showed the specialist the photos I took the other day of my mouth post exertionally and he's of the opinion it was a herpe outbreak.. either type 1 or 2 (apparently one can get either type in the mouth). I do already know I carry type 1.

If one carries herpes, it can flare when one is run down etc eg so could end up happening everytime I over do it, so I guess I now can put herpes down as one of my many post exertional issues.

He said I'd need a swab next time I have an outbreak like that to find out what type. He'll only treat it if its happening quite often.


Senior Member
I'd get it cultured. It can be so many things. Even oral thrush can cause sores and redness, or white patches. HHV6 can cause red sores. Allergies to toothpastes and mouthwashes can also do it.