Mountain View Accommodations

San Francisco, CA USA
There isn't any bloodwork they want to draw themselves at the office anymore? This would surprise me. When I saw Dr. Chheda in January I told her I wanted to do any blood tests that could be done at any ol' Quest lab back home (washington state) for insurance reasons, but there were still labs that had to be drawn right then and there at Dr. Chheda's office such as Natural Killer Cell Function, etc because that test can only be run at the Quest lab near the office (only like 2 labs in country can do this test and 1 is there) plus the test has to be run within hours of the blood draw.

I think they are such a new practice that things are in flux, so if you want to know for sure it might be best to check with them. My last appointment was a Rituxan infusion in late August, and I asked if they were doing any blood draws at all now, and I was told only for patients who are children.

The reasoning behind this was explained to me but I forget what it was!


Senior Member
I agree that would be a good idea, but the cancellation window on my ticket closed a few weeks ago. I will just have to do as suggested and let them know up front. I will also plan on getting there early, if possible, and ask to pay before the appointment.

And I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring a backpack with the basics in case I get stuck.
@KristenSF Do also be aware that there may still be things you would need to pay the office for after your appointment other than the cost of the office visit because your appointment with the doctor will determine what tests they want you to do and some of those tests require you pay them directly. I think after my appointment I had to pay them for not only the office visit but also for a cortisol saliva test and I had to fill out paperwork for the Igenex Lyme & Bartonella test & it required I put down my credit card number and sign it. This was also a test that the blood was drawn for there at the office.
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Senior Member
@KristenSF fyi: my insurance covered the Igenex test in full, but if it hadn't or had only covered a portion of it then Igenex would have then charged my credit card at that point. They didn't charge it upfront.