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Mother of ME child labelled with Munchausen's until she studied medicine


Senior Member
This mother fought for ten years to attempt to convince doctors that her daughter was ill. She was accused of having Munchausen's by Proxy..........................until she decided to study medicine. The video is her talk about what she believes is the root of her child's problem ----chimerism. The daughter was eventually labelled with ME, POTS and EDS.


Mother's battle to get daughter's illness diagnosed

A teenager from Great Dunmow in Essex has spoken of her mother's nine year battle to convince people that she was ill.

Kelly Moss has been in and out of hospital since she was 9 but it was only this year that doctors finally managed to diagnose she was suffering from Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

It means her heart rate can rise by 30 beats per minute when she stands.

But it's taken a long time to get to this diagnosis. For the past 9 years Kelly's mum Lorraine has fought to get people to believe her daughter really is ill.

"I was accused of harming my own child, that I was creating her ill health, I was accused of allowing a child to run rings around me and act like she was ill when she was not. I've been accused of everything, from crazy to misguided by a psychiatrist."


Senior Member
This mother fought for ten years to attempt to convince doctors that her daughter was ill. She was accused of having Munchausen's by Proxy..........................until she decided to study medicine. The video is her talk about what she believes is the root of her child's problem ----chimerism. The daughter was eventually labelled with ME, POTS and EDS.

Chimerism, really? I doubt very much that is the cause for most ME patients.

free at last

Senior Member
@barbc56 I have been told that she has her own radio show. Here is a link, although I haven't listened to it.


I am afraid with that other stuff on there, there will be a lot of distancing from this. You cant have two things that generate disbelief on the same page. You would be surprised how pre conceived learning, can lead to blind judgmental approach to many things in life.

Without ultimate proof. ME/CFS what ever the hell it is. will be judged on more than just the evidence, I know. because I see many in life do the same, that also have this illness, On other topics. that don't quite come up to the ultimate proof expectation. some require to have a open mind about anything in particular. me included I guess.

You would be surprised that even when quite strong evidence is presented, highly suggestive, again and again, from many credible sources. Some just can not see that such evidence could potentially have merit.

I am afraid like it or not this is the human belief system. at work. And ME /CFS will be affected by this belief evidence based human perception, by many many people. infact I just commented on another thread with this very problem

What is evidence for one, is not good enough evidence for another. And so its the same problem in many respects. I personally have a hard time believing in anything spiritual. As far as I am aware something spiritual has not been picked up on radar for example. But as long as there is a alternative theory, however increasingly unlikely that becomes or seems, Some will always prefer the alternative theory.This does work both ways. Depending on your personal reasons for believing or not believing in anything particular.
And so it is the same with any evidence that doesn't satisfy everyone.

But when illness bites you on the bum. Or you have a experience that defies your current understanding, that evidence becomes easier to swallow I guess. But not for everybody. And we will see that again and again in society, about many things. rightly or wrongly.
Including illness belief.
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