Montoya study - High calcium in participants


Senior Member
New test results :

Calcium 10.5 ( high again!)

PTH : 55 (high normal)

Albumin : 5.3 (high and out of range) - normal range is under 5 . Cause? dehydration - I have had a white coated tongue since my calcium tested high for the first time. Cause of dehydration? Diabetes insipidus( I have 90% of the symptoms). Cause of Diabetes insipidus? It can be calcium ,or something else :

This is all my own understanding, and I am waiting for my ionized calcium , and urine calcium results.


Senior Member
Hi SaraM, Calcium in the blood is bound to Albumin, not 100% sure on this, but Im reasonably certain that higher calcium levels causes higher albumin, because of this you normally get a test done called Calcium Corrected, which works out the calcium level taking into account the albumin level not sure if this is what you have had done? If it has been done and it usually is then that is your true calcium level. I would imagine that because your tests included Albumin that your result is from the Calcium corrected test, but you might want to check and see if this is what has been done.

From my understanding of the information on the parathyroid site your high calcium and high normal PTH means that you have Hyperparathyroidism, because if you had a healthy parathyroid your PTH should be low because high calcium makes the parathyroid glands go to sleep and stop producing PTH
It will be interesting to see what your other test results say.

Diabetes insipidus doesnt cause high Calcium levels, but there is a form of it that is caused by high calcium levels, which cause damage to the kidneys there is some information on it here it can be caused by Hyperparathyroidism and cured when the parathyroidism is fixed see

All the best


Senior Member
Hi Rlc,
Sorry, I made a mistake . Albumin is 5 (normal range 3.3-4.7 g/dl). Calcium test was not the corrected one. I am supposed to contact my GP next week. He will probably order more tests. I was also referring to Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus induced by high calcium.
My potassium was tested higher than normal, though, while it should be low based on the pubmed article you sent me. Will test it again on Monday.
After using a calcium corrected calculator, the real calcium level is 9.70 mg/dl.

take care


Senior Member
Hi SaraM, it looks like the high Potassium rules out Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, although there are quite a few causes of high Potassium the most common is kidney damage, and Hyperparathyroidism can damage the kidneys and cause this, so it might fit, just going to have to wait for more test results before you can get a clearer picture, but it does look like youre on the right path to getting a proper diagnosis with all these failed test results.

All the best

is your sodium level normal?


Senior Member
Hi SaraM, the diagnosispro site has finally finished its up date and is working properly again. It says that Excessive thirst (polydipsia) and urinary frequency are caused by 15 conditions one of them is Primary Hyperparathyroidism, see if I add high calcium to this you get 4 possible conditions including primary hyperparathyroidism see if I add high potassium there is only one possibility Primary Hyperparathyroidism see if I add the high albumin it doesnt quite fit and dehydration comes up see but it is possible that the urinary frequency caused by the Parathyroidism is causing the dehydration that is making the albumin go up? Or maybe you have one of the other 15 conditions that cause the excessive thirst and urinary frequency which is causing dehydration which is affecting the calcium and potassium levels as well,

Just have to wait for the test results to come in especially PTH, but I thought you would be interested to know that Hyperparathyroidism can cause excessive thirst and urinary frequency.

All the best


Senior Member
Hi Rlc,
Potassium level is normal now, and PTH is 55 . Well, this is really confusing, and I think my GP is also going to be confused. I guess some imaging tests can be helpful, because I have thyroid pain, too. Doc is now waiting for the urine test. I will do the test next week.


Senior Member
The urine calcium is normal 100 -- normal range 50-300 (I guess). Still waiting for Ionized calcium results after 2 weeks, but I think this one is going to be normal,too. So, It should be Diabetes Insipidus, or at least this is what I think. I have had constant thyroid pain for the last couple of months though.Thyroid test results are perfect.