Money for Phoenix Rising and WPI: Isearchgive instructional video!


Senior Member
Frank, it's nice to hear your voice! Thanks for the tutorial.

I had made another post on using iGive to raise money for WPI, but I don't think it got the attention it deserves. This is something we can all do and it doesn't cost us any extra money that we don't have.

You can bookmark the page and use it any time you need to "google" something.

Yesterday, when I was on iGive, a window popped up and asked me if I wanted to add it to my search engine list, which I did. I have Firefox, so I don't know if other browsers would give you the same option.

If you have this option, there is a search box at the top right of your browser where you can search directly in Google or other search engines without having to go to their home page first. There is a drop down list if you want to change from Google to iGive, wikipedia or whatever.


Senior Member
Thanks for the instructions. I've downloaded the toolbar so that I'll remember to use it!


Senior Member
Caledonia maybe we can merge posts?

How about we try to raise $25 for Phoenix Rising by the end of the month?
Thanks for this information, Frank. I wish I had known about this sooner. I do a lot of searches.
Frank, good that you made this video. I was stupid and I searched different way and than it took longer time to get some money :). now, i made one dollar during maybe 20 minutes - I think I will do it every day. maybe you can also write to all members of emergency action list. This need a lot of people. I know that it seems like nothing but maybe a lot of small steps like this can help with the research. it makes me crazy to look for the money in this way - but do we have another possibility? its maybe better to do small steps. anyway I am most of the time sitting at home - so I can spend more time with making something for our case.


Phoenix Rising Founder
Phoenix Rising has already made $6.00 from just 3 people doing this. I'm really surprised. The google ads on the website bring anywhere from $1 to $6 a day with an average of about $3. A couple bucks a day makes a big difference. If you start adding them together - a couple of bucks here, a couple of bucks there - then after a awhile you really have something. Thanks everyone!


Senior Member
$12 for phoenix rising at the moment, $25 is a reachable goal by the end of the month, let's cary on..


slightly bedraggled

Hi Frank,
I tried it out the day you sent the email...
I couldn't get it to become permanent-- it only worked when I went to the site. Do you have to go through these steps each time? I wouldn't mind doing this to help out but I feel like I missed something here.
I ended up going to an online store and it offered to sign me in through Cort's site (mall) and he would get proceeds from that as well. I didn't fill that information in since I had no money to spend at the shop (I believe it was Animal Planet) but I thought it was pretty cool.
Nice video!



Senior Member
Do you mean the searching? then the answer is yes. I don't quite understand how you got to that online store by following the steps..


Senior Member
Hi people

This is a call for an action. At first thank you Frank that you made this video. I found it really interesting. I just checked the number of the visitors of this web site and there are more than 400 people for this moment. Frank, with your explication, everyone can earn 1 dollar for less than 5 minutes - so if everyone would do it, it would take 5 minutes to earn 400 dollars for WPI or this forum. We (the CFS patients) are spending the hours by reading and researching about our illness so I think we should be able to do at least 5 minutes a day something to get some money for research of our illness. So my proposal is, when you go on this forum you dont start to read at first the articles but you go on igive to earn 1 dollar or even more when you want. The explination how to earn one dollar the earliest possible is in the first post of this thread (written by Frank). So please lets do it - the numbers can make differents. its not difficult at all and it takes nothing compare to your spending by reading CFS articles - it takes just 5 minutes. So if we dont want to spend all life by reading just this is a small possibility how to get some money for CFS research. I dont know if a lot of people will read this thread. If you find my idea good maybe an administrator can make this appel in front page of this thread or to do a commercial of this appel another way - I dont know. Maybe we can try to contact other CFS forums. So if you have any ideas. or if you think that its stupid, just say it. I think, this is the easiest way when we are most of the day at home with our computers.