Frank, it's nice to hear your voice! Thanks for the tutorial.
I had made another post on using iGive to raise money for WPI, but I don't think it got the attention it deserves. This is something we can all do and it doesn't cost us any extra money that we don't have.
You can bookmark the page and use it any time you need to "google" something.
Yesterday, when I was on iGive, a window popped up and asked me if I wanted to add it to my search engine list, which I did. I have Firefox, so I don't know if other browsers would give you the same option.
If you have this option, there is a search box at the top right of your browser where you can search directly in Google or other search engines without having to go to their home page first. There is a drop down list if you want to change from Google to iGive, wikipedia or whatever.