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Mold infection treatment log


Senior Member
Started on about 20 mg of itraconazole today to assess die off or reaction potential

I used to live in moldy buildings a decade ago but still have high urine mycotoxins

Going to try itraconazole or oregano oil to see if I can kick what appears to be an ongoing fungal colonization

I have symptoms in my gut, sinus and lungs.

A really sore sensitive gut, pain and coughing from the lungs. Brain fog, fatigue and ongoing food and ehs.

i have recovered significantly doing trauma work, dietary changes and work full time more but I'm not all the way better yet.

I hope treating this mold infection will help a lot ❤️


Senior Member
I've also been struggling with ehs lately. Considering more dnrs for that.

Realized my bile acid was pretty low, have been feeling really potent affects from adding supplemental bile plus vitamins a and d

However it has been really potent and feeling quite down due to the second order effects
Started on about 20 mg of itraconazole today to assess die off or reaction potential

I used to live in moldy buildings a decade ago but still have high urine mycotoxins

Going to try itraconazole or oregano oil to see if I can kick what appears to be an ongoing fungal colonization

I have symptoms in my gut, sinus and lungs.

A really sore sensitive gut, pain and coughing from the lungs. Brain fog, fatigue and ongoing food and ehs.

i have recovered significantly doing trauma work, dietary changes and work full time more but I'm not all the way better yet.

I hope treating this mold infection will help a lot ❤️
200 mg? did you have any side effects?


Senior Member
Bumped up to a larger fraction of a capsule yesterday - let's say 40 mg.

I experienced insomnia and a headache again.

Today morning I feel some stuffiness in the sinuses - that could be die off in the sinus region contributing to insomnia for sure.

I added one capsule of Wild oregano oil today am.

I need to find a way to support detox. I took binders last night but it didn't relieve the insomnia. I took glutathione as well, I think that helped more.

Today I'll try a sinus rinse. I may need molybdenum, panthetine which helped me detox fungal die off in the past. Not feeling the molybdenum intuitively lately.

I don't think I will take more itraconazole today though I am tempted.

Last time, I got overwhelmed with die off so I want to keep the killing doses low and manageable and as spaced out as needed. I've read Dr. Nathan has his most sensitive patients start at 1 100 mg pill per two weeks.


Senior Member
I took a swig of oregano juice and 2 oregano oil capsules

Needed lots of methyl donor to deal with depression.

3 B complex, 10000iu vitamin d

1 improvement- feeling less dehydrated

Thank God for that, that's been honestly scaring me lately.

Not sure if that's from the antifungal, b complex or vitamins a or d..


Senior Member
I switched to oregano oil and juice.

Took a little each day for 5 days

Some fatigue, die off. Not nearly as debilitating as in the past but feeling it...

Some insomnia and agitation

Stopped taking it while the die off calms down

I've also been taking big doses of vitamin d, 10k iu so that's probably stimulating die off


Senior Member
Hopeful I'll be feeling better soon 😌

Not having the intense depression I used to feel with die off
How are you progressing with the Itraconazole? Have you considered a compounded nasal spray? Other than the gut and lungs, the sinus's are often a place of colonisation also.


Senior Member
i Had to stop

too much other stuff going on in my life

I'd re-add it. I quit the itraconazole in favor of oregano oil btw.

the compounded nasal spray was too much die off for me as well

hoping to readd at some point.


Senior Member
Hard to get that drug here, I was using Thorne undecyclenic acid for a while thats an interesting one, I don't know how much of a full body effect it has though. I was doing a general anti-candida protocol, but I never did the stool test to check if I had a candida issue, I was sensitive to capryllic acid at first I think. I have these pills from Nu-U which have a bunch of stuff in including wormwood, oregano extract, capryllic acid, I think those are pretty good, strong though for sensitive people. A lot of issues have cleared up now for me but I can't say why, I think my problems were mainly stomach bacteria not mold but I cant say for sure. I also took Berberine and the NOW candida which has pau d arco.


Senior Member
Hard to get that drug here, I was using Thorne undecyclenic acid for a while thats an interesting one, I don't know how much of a full body effect it has though. I was doing a general anti-candida protocol, but I never did the stool test to check if I had a candida issue, I was sensitive to capryllic acid at first I think. I have these pills from Nu-U which have a bunch of stuff in including wormwood, oregano extract, capryllic acid, I think those are pretty good, strong though for sensitive people. A lot of issues have cleared up now for me but I can't say why, I think my problems were mainly stomach bacteria not mold but I cant say for sure. I also took Berberine and the NOW candida which has pau d arco.
thanks for sharing that...

Long Haul Mono

Senior Member
Started on about 20 mg of itraconazole today to assess die off or reaction potential

I used to live in moldy buildings a decade ago but still have high urine mycotoxins

Going to try itraconazole or oregano oil to see if I can kick what appears to be an ongoing fungal colonization

I have symptoms in my gut, sinus and lungs.

A really sore sensitive gut, pain and coughing from the lungs. Brain fog, fatigue and ongoing food and ehs.

i have recovered significantly doing trauma work, dietary changes and work full time more but I'm not all the way better yet.

I hope treating this mold infection will help a lot ❤️

I had similar but not from a moldy building but possibly from gardening products.

I was started on Nystatin then when that didn't quite work for me I went on Fluconozole, but others may find Nystatin works better. You just need to try them for yourself if these are drugs you're offered and/or willing to try.

Oregano oil may help, so I've been told, but you should cycle off it for a while as well.

You mentioned dietary changes. I had to drop carbs almost completely. They were effectively feeding the mold infection making it return time after time.

The other thing to consider is if you're living in a cold climate. Im facing the prospect of needing to move to a warmer climate. My doctor basically said I should move or the other option is to continually be fed drugs to deal with the reinfections. I'm currently exploring my options with the former.